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Tenure , Powers & Limitations

The Controller of Examinations shall be the Principal officer-in-charge of the conduct of examinations and tests of the University and declarations of their results. He shall discharge his functions under the superintendence, directions and guidance of the Pro. Vice-Chancellor/Vice-Chancellor and the Board of Examinations. He shall be a full-time salaries officer of the University and shall work directly under the direction and control of the Pro. Vice-Chancellor and Vice-chancellor of the University. His appointment shall be for a term of five years and he shall be eligible for reappointment only one more term of five years. The qualifications and experience for the purpose of selection of the Controller shall be such as may be prescribed. The Controller shall be the Member-Secretary of the Board of Examinations and of the committees appointed by the board except the committees constituted under section 32(5) (a) for appointment of Paper-setters, Examiners and moderators. He shall be responsible for prompt and proper implementation of their decision.


  • All the members of the Board of Examination, other than the ex-officio members and teachers, shall hold office for a term of three years from the date of first appointment and shall be eligible for reappointment.
  • Members of the Board of Examination appointed from among teachers shall hold office for a period of three years or till such time as they cease to be teachers of the Institution Deemed to be University, whichever is earlier.


  • The Board of Examination shall be the principal organ of Examination and the apex executive body of the Institution Deemed to be University, with powers to make rules, regulations and bye-laws of the Deemed University.
  • The Board of Examination shall be the final decision making body of the Institution in respect of every matter of the Institution Deemed to be University, including in the academic, administrative, personnel, financial, developmental matters.
  • The Board of Examination shall not infringe upon the powers of the respective authorities provided under these Regulations; and where any authority has been given advisory/recommendatory powers, the Board of Examination shall obtain advice/recommendations from such authority, before deciding on any matter before it.
  • It shall be his responsibility to arrange for printing of question papers. To arrange for the timely publication of result of examinations and other tests
  • To postpone or cancel examination, in part or in whole in the event of malpractices or it the circumstance so warrant, and take disciplinary action or initiate any civil or criminal proceeding against any person or group of persons or a college or an institution alleged to have committed malpractices.
  • To prepare and announce in advance the calendar of examinations.
  • To take disciplinary action where necessary against the candidates, paper-setter, examiners, mode of any other persons connected with examinations and found guilty of malpractices in relations to the examinations.
  • To review from time to time, the results of University examinations and forward reports thereon to the academic council.
  • The controller shall exercise such the power and perform such other duties as may be prescribed or assigned to him. For time to time by Board of Examinations.