Main Content


1. Education

• To continue to pursue excellence in teaching and learning and be a leading research-intensive University and to innovate, strengthen and enhance its position in domestic and international higher education field, especially in the health sciences fraternity.
• To maintain our current range of qualifications but also to seek to scale up from middle level (undergraduate degree) to higher level (Master's and Doctoral).
• To strongly re-establish, highlight and articulate our practice of emphasizing student learning than academic staff teaching.

2. Research

• To place greater stress on preparations for Research by increasing and upgrading academic faculty with international levels of research.
• To significantly add to investment of time, energy and money to strengthen and undertake more research projects related to public and global health issues.
• To use the strengths of existing research platforms as catalysts to identify and develop an omnipresent research culture and cross-cutting research themes of national, regional & international relevance, so as to leverage research capacity and impact.
• To devise and implement active recruitment strategies and appropriate academic & financial support to foster the intellectual development of the students.
• To create a committee of senior faculty members for planned increase in the research output.
• To set minimum research output norms.
• To actively enroll postgraduate students and create a stimulating environment and study programs as well as mechanisms to ensure their success.
• To imbibe a flexible and differentiated approach to manage the creative tension between teaching and research and the diverse profile of staff in terms of interests, talent and expertise.

3. Human Resources

• The recruitment, grading, support, progression and promotion of academic staff with best practice in the sector.
• To upgrade the faculty by moving to a position where the vast majority of our academic staff is both trained and active in research at international levels of excellence.
• To design and implement a special structure to support the aspirations of the students and faculty.
• To develop and attract highly skilled, research orientated academics to implement the University's strategies.
• To focus upon the university staff and help them in obtaining professional or equivalent qualifications.
• To focus on development of younger staff, as it will prove to be a long-term human capital for the University and its institutes.
• To develop a diverse and excellent cadre of young academics through succession planning and by increasing the pool of doctoral graduates and postdoctoral fellows.
• To enable faculty members and employees to attend external seminars, conferences, speaker events, or training events.
• To provide the opportunities, by allotting complementary work time for the staff to cross-train in other roles & responsibilities, with the information learned at a seminar or training.
• To create a "Readers Club" that includes purchase of fraternity related books & journals for members of faculty & staff and organise discussions on the books read.
• To organise 'cross institutes internal seminars' to help the employees learn & understand practices and developments of the other teams.

4. Learning

• To develop an inquiry-led curriculum in building the foundation for knowledge, high-level skills and an attitude to align with the community at large, among the students and researchers.
• To embed a question-based approach in undergraduate teaching and to use assessment as a tool for learning.
• To recognise the diversity of learning styles, experiences and experimentation represented within the student body and to respond in ways that creatively harness innovation.
• To provide multiple learning opportunities in a resource-rich environment in support of teaching & learning and to consider the most effective "blended" learning model to adopt.
• To provide financial aid to deserving students from poor backgrounds.
• To increasingly provide residence accommodation to students.
• To create on-campus earning opportunities for post graduate students by building online opportunity platforms for paid services such as online medical translation, online surveys etc; to establish independent training and guiding hubs to enable students earn while they learn.

5. Infrastructure

• To fast-track modernisation of all facilities by adopting latest technologies for multi-specialty development of medical, health services and biotechnological services.
• To digitise all academic and administrative blocks and services such as libraries etc. so as to create a more proficient and cost-efficient input-output ratio.
• To consolidate umbrella services such as telecommunications so as to avoid repetitive expenses and efforts.
• To interlink websites and other similar platforms so as to provide easy and response based virtual infrastructure, which take all urgencies and priorities into consideration and enable quicker delivery practices to students as well as patients.
• To create better connectivity between all campuses and facilities such as academic and residence blocks and satellite action centres.
• To restructure administrative chain of command for better governance and accountability.