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Procedure of Function

• All complaints made to any committee member must be received and recorded by the member, who shall then inform the Chairperson about the complaint, who in turn shall call a meeting of the committee.
• The committee is bound to maintain confidentiality during the time of the enquiry (in order not to prejudice the proceedings).
• After the report has been finalized, confidentiality should be maintained, if the complainant so desires, by withholding the complainant’s name and other particulars that would identify her.
• The ICC after the receipt of a complaint, establish a prima facie case of sexual harassment on the basis of both the definition of sexual harassment as given in this policy, and the jurisdiction of this policy. Reasons for not pursuing a complaint must be recorded in the minutes and made available to the complainant in writing.
• In case of a complaint filed by another person on behalf of the complainant (where the complainant is in confinement) the complaint will be investigated in order to explore whether a prima facie case of sexual harassment exists and whether intervention or some other assistance is required.
• During the enquiry procedure, the complainant and the accused will be called separately so as to ensure freedom of expression and an atmosphere free of intimidation. The complainant will be allowed to be accompanied by one representative during the enquiry.
• The ICC must submit its report to the HOI not later than one month for punitive action if required.
• In special circumstances the matter may be referred to the Chancellor of the University.
• The entire process of enquiry should be completed within three months.