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Norms & Standards for Research Proposal

• Each scholar will carry out independent Research, scholarship and/or creative activities that are appropriate to their discipline.
• In doing so they will, individually or in collaboration with colleagues:
• supervise Research students;
• broadly disseminate Research results (i.e. through more than one medium or one audience) including through their teaching practices and, where appropriate, protect the results of their Research;
• be active within appropriate professional and discipline communities and external stakeholders;
• contribute to the Research environment and culture of D.Y.Patil University through activities such as mentoring, engagement in new Research initiatives and strengthening the Research infrastructure and participate in initiatives designed to secure financial support for Research activities from external sources (including for example, government funding, industry partnerships and contracts, philanthropic gifts, Research translation and commercialisation opportunities).
• The requirement to undertake Research is a career expectation and will be balanced with the other obligations of academic staff including teaching and administrative responsibilities.

Secondary data analysis such as decision analysis, cost effectiveness analysis or meta-analysis.