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Mentorship Committee

At DYPU SHTS we have a well structured Mentor-ship program to guide all our Students.

• Well every batch of 15 students is allocated a Faculty who is the Mentor/Counselor for a particular batch.

• The main job responsibility of the Mentor is to have a constant dialogue with their batch of students. This is done through regular group counseling sessions & a one- to- one personal dialogue.

• The Mentors try to understand each individual student's difficulty in terms of their comfort level at the College, their understanding of their subject, peer pressure if any and any other problems if they are facing at college or at home. These students are then accordingly guided and their problems are resolved.

• If students find difficulty in terms of understanding their subjects, the concerned teachers are informed & extra Remedial Classes are scheduled for them. This helps them in better understanding of the subject.

• If they have any difficulty in coping with the college environment, their Mentors make sure that they are provided Buddies, who are the senior students who will help them to acclimatize to the college environment.

• Apart from Counseling Students, the Mentors also keep a track of the student attendance & their performance in the college. In case of major absenteeism or poor academic performance by the students, the Mentors ensure that the parents are timely informed about the same on a regular basis.

• If the students do not improve, the Parents are even called to the College to meet other teachers and share the student’s progress. The student and parents are then jointly counseled to ensure that student improves in all aspects.

• This Mentor-ship program is well appreciated by the parents and is provided with positive feedback. This helps us to keep on improving on various aspects for overall healthy student growth.