Main Content

B.Sc Hospitality Studies

1.Food Production

Course outcome
1) Understand the basic operations of a professional kitchen with regard to safety procedures and hygiene and claim an insight into the basic hierarchy in the kitchen and their placement in the brigade with regard to their skills and experiences.
2) Identify different types of equipment and their safety operating procedures and also to know the various kinds of modern cooking equipment’s and their uses in the kitchen.
3) Familiarize with various cooking methods with regard to taste and texture and to know the utensils and equipment used in various cooking methods.
4) Identify types of vegetables, their selection, storage criteria, pigments and their effects on heat and also to list the cuts of vegetables and their uses in cookery.
5) Comprehend various types of stocks, and sauces; to know their preparation, storage criteria and their uses in the kitchen.
6) Get an insight of quite a vast description on the culture, eating habits, preparation of popular dishes from the cuisines of India.
7) Understand the meaning of volume catering and the nuances of it
8) To enable students about the managerial aspects
9) It teaches students about quality and Portion control.
10) To master the students in particular area of culinary skill Cold Kitchen
11) students are trained in terms of menu planning.


Course Outcomes:-
1) Students will Learn Restaurant Operations and Handlings.
2) Students will Learn Various Services and Crockery Used.
3) Students will understand F&B Hierarchy.
4) Students will Learns Table Service
5) Students will Learn Menu Planning & Types of Menu Planning
6) Students will understand French Classical Menu.
7) Students will learn Mise-en-Place and Mise-en-Scene.
8) Students will Learn KOT and Billing System
9) Student will Learn various non-alcoholic beverage.
10) Students will learn various types of Tobacco

3. Bakery and Patisserie

Course Outcomes:-
1) Acquire knowledge & demonstrate bulk baking.
2) Explain the technical terms and different concepts of baking.
3) To learn about the international bakery products served in the hospitality industry
4) To practically innovative and make advanced bakery products and continental desserts.
5) To learn about the international Breads served in the hospitality industry
6) To learn about the international Desserts served in the hospitality industry
7) To learn about icing and cakes decoration.
8) To present the plated dessert with appropriate garnish and presentation style.
9) To learn about the chocolate history, manufacturing and moulding process etc.
10) To learn about the setup and marketing of bakery/pastry shop and become an entrepreneur.

4.House Keeping

Course Outcomes:-
1) Describe the role of the housekeeping department in hotel operations
2) Identify typical cleaning responsibilities of the housekeeping department
3) Apply techniques to develop and improve human resource skills in recruiting, selecting, hiring and orienting
4) Apply techniques to develop and improve human resource skills in areas of training, scheduling, motivating, and disciplining
5) Manage inventories of recycled and non-recycled items
6) Control expenses in the housekeeping department
7) Understand the safety and security needs of hospitality operations
8) Understand the managerial skills necessary to efficiently operate an on- premises laundry operation (OPL).

5.Front Office

Course Outcomes:-
1) Understand the evolution, meaning and classifications of Hotel.
2) Understand the various layouts of Front office in the Hotel.
3) He would become aware of attributes and hierarchy of front office staff.
4) Understand and able to classify Hotels

6.Catering Science

Course Outcomes:-
1) Students will learn Nutritious Value of Food
2) Students will able to learn various food Standards
3) Student will be able to form balanced Diet Plan
4) They will learn importance of food safety and HACCP Principles.
5) Students will learn the role of nutrients in Menu Planning

7.Research methodology

Course Outcomes:-
1) Students will be able to analyse qualitative and quantitative data, and explain how evidence gathered supports or refutes an initial hypothesis.
2) Students will be able to evaluate critically the quality of research by others
3) Students will be able to formulate research questions designed to test, refine, and build theories
4) Students will be able to demonstrate facility in research designs and data collection strategies
5) Students will be able to formulate a complete and logical plan for data analysis and draw appropriate conclusions


Course Outcomes:-
1) Demonstrate critical and innovative thinking.
2) Display competence in oral, written, and visual communication.
3) Apply communication theories.
4) Show an understanding of opportunities in the field of communication.
5) Use current technology related to the communication field.
6) Respond effectively to cultural communication differences.
7) Communicate ethically.
8) Demonstrate positive group communication exchanges.
9) Identify key elements and principles of communication
10) Demonstrate understanding of the communication process
11) Describe their own communication strengths and growth areas
12) Demonstrate ability to prepare and present a short oral presentation
13) Describe and practice key listening skills
14) Prepare a clear and informative piece of written communication
15) Identify common communication problems that may be holding you back
16) Develop skills in asking questions that give you information you need
17) Learn what your non-verbal messages are telling others
18) Develop skills in listening actively and empathetically to others
19) Learn how to firmly stand your ground and make your feelings heard
20) Enhance your ability to handle difficult situations without being manipulated


Course Outcomes:-
1) Students understood the importance of the French language
2) Students could correlate with the French Culture
3) Students could grasp Grammar, vocabulary, and phrases
4) Students understood the concepts of Basics
5) Students understood the need for pursuing French learning
6) Students showed enthusiasm and eagerness in learning the language


Course Outcomes:-
1) To develop the Understanding of basic concept of hospitality accounting system.
2) This will enable to keep track of all the financial transactions in the Hotels.
3) This will help the students to perform front office duty efficiently as accounting is major function of the Front office department.
4) Student will able to read and understand the balance sheet of the Hotels.
5) Students will able to perform all bank transactions.
6) Students will have enhanced knowledge about Financial Position of the business


Course Outcomes:-
1) Managing & Measuring Service Quality Outcomes.
2) Quality Assessment Monitoring by Sampling.
3) Managing Incentives & Remedies for Non-Performance.
4) Relationship Management & Dispute Resolution.

12. Information Technology

Course Outcomes:-
1) Students learned about the evolution of computers, its fundamental hardware and software components, they also learned the uses of Memory, and different types of devices used and their history. Now Students is well aware of browsing the internet and also know how the internet works.
2) Students can now make their own flyers, templates, can also make their resume, give presentations, take out survey reports, collaborate with excel and take the analysis with graphs.
3) Students learned about Database system Importance of data and how to insert, fetch and update the data using database
4) Students learned about Database system used in Programming, its algorithm, its Flowchart and also will be able to understand the common concepts of programming, and also make their own programs
5) Students were well aware of the concepts behind internet webpages, how HTMl works, and how interactive websites can be made with the help of same.


Course Outcomes:-
1) Students can now relate customer value to satisfaction.
2) Understood the concept of the lifetime value of a customer and are able to relate it to customer loyalty and retention.
3) Can explain the marketing strategies that are useful in the hospitality industry.
4) Well understood the buying decision of consumers.
5) Understood the service characteristics that affect the marketing of a hospitality travel product