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About The Committee

As per the UGC Guidelines, every educational institute has to have a Task Force for Gender Sensitization. Gender sensitization is not a matter for students alone but is required in all colleges and universities, and for all sections of the community - students, faculty in all disciplines, support staff and administration.
Based on the UGC Guidelines, in order to provide all our Female Staff, Students & Faculties a safe work & study environment we incorporated our Gender task Force – VEERANGANA in June 2014.
This Taskforce outlines series of workshops on gender, masculinity, issues pertaining to sexual harassment and knowledge about the law and rights. These workshops could be tailored according to the groups being sensitized. Existing experts in the field are invited to the Campus through various workshops to use these formats to sensitize all members of our campus on issues pertaining to gender, sexual harassment, laws and rights.
There is considerable acknowledgement of the need to address students and make them more gender sensitive and inculcate notions of rights and respect towards everyone irrespective of gender, class, caste, region, language, religion, sexual orientation, ability and so on. However, it is necessary to emphasize that everyone working on campuses must be gender sensitized, including faculty and all sections of the administration and support staff.