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Procedure of Functioning

All the student office bearers are the nominated posts. This nomination is purely based on the merit of their leadership activities exhibited during the previous years. The Class representatives otherwise known as “Class Ambassadors” are nominated by the Head of the department in consultation with the class mentors. Cultural activities representative and Sports activity representative are nominated by Cultural Coordinator and Sports Coordinator of the institution respectively. Appropriate gender balance in the Council shall be given priority.

  • During second /third week of first semester of every academic year, the student representative will be elected by each class as mentioned in the composition.
  • The date of election will be intimated by faculty in charge of student council well before the actual date.
  • The student’s council will start functioning after the declaration of elective or selective nomination for each described post by the Principal.
  • The Students’ Council ceases to exist on the last day of an academic year. All the same, the Secretary acts as the medium between the students and the administration until the taking over of the positions by the next council