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Procedure of Functioning

Student Grievance Redressal Procedures

  • Informal stage (recommended where it is reasonable and appropriate):
    1) Identify and discuss the complaint or grievance with the other party.
    2) Discuss the best outcome to the complaint or grievance.
    3) Agree to act to resolve the complaint or grievance .
    4) This option is not encouraged for cases relating to sexual assault and harassment.
  • Stage One:
    1) If after talking to the person, the complaint or grievance remains unresolved the student will need to lodge formal grievance or complaint.
    2) Complaints must be raised within one month of the issue occurring or of the receipt of advice from the informal stage. The Manager- Administration may approve exceptions to this time limit if the circumstances warrant it.
    3) Enrolled and prospective students will submit grievances or complaints to the Registrar's Office.
    4) The date and time of receipt of the complaint should be recorded.
    5) Stage 1 academic grievances will be mediated by the Manager – Administration or his/her nominee.
    6) Stage 1 non-academic grievances will be mediated by the Registrar or his/her nominee.
    7) The process will commence within 10 working days of lodgement of complaint.
    8) The student will have the opportunity to formally present their case .
    9) Both parties to the complaint or grievance may bring a support person who is a third party to these meetings.
    10) The University will provide both parties to the complaint or grievance with a written statement advising of the complaint outcome, including the reasons for the decision within 10 working days of the commencement of the process.
  • Stage Two:
    If the enrolled or prospective student is dissatisfied with the decision and:
    1) If it is an academic matter, they may appeal to the Pro- Vice Chancellor – Academic within 10 working days of receipt of the decisions. The Pro- Vice Chancellor – Academic or his /her nominee has 20 working days to consider the appeal and advise both parties with a full explanation of the decision in writing ii. If it is a non-academic matter, they may appeal to the Manager – Administration within 10 working days of receipt of the decisions.
    2) All attempts should be made to resolve.
    3) A grievance in a manner acceptable to all parties in order to reach a mutually satisfactory resolution. Details of the process and resolution must be documented, and copies given to all parties involved.
    4) Any student who accesses the complaints and appeals process will maintain their enrolment until the case is resolved.