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Procedure of Functioning

  • Develop, monitor and review policies relating to the University’s research activities, including research and research training.
  • Guide the development of the University’s strategic research priorities and objectives and monitor research performance within the framework of the University’s Strategic Planning process.
  • Guide, monitor, review and endorse the activities of its sub-committees.
  • Review, on a triennial basis, submissions for formation and/or continuation of University Research Strengths and advice on funding allocations to, and the status of, all URC-funded research groups.
  • Provide leadership and advice on mechanisms to improve monitoring, benchmarking and reporting of the University’s research performance.
  • Hold one to two events annually to facilitate the exchange and dissemination of information concerning research and research training issues for the broader research community.
  • Inform and advise the Academic Senate on research and research training matters as they arise.