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The Institution may follow either of the two procedures given below:
a) Non- Centralized Goods / Services - Department related
b) Centralized Goods / Services - Computers & accessories, Stationery, Electrical items, Furniture & Fixtures, raw materials, AC, Refrigerator, carpentry items, purchase of sports materials, fittings, plumbing materials and printing of pamphlets.
c) All the purchase of material and services will be made through the normal purchase procedure as indicated below:
d) Quotations would be invited in respect of purchases above Rs.25,000/- by all the departments/ offices with specifications of the material clearly laid down. Quotations would be invited from a good number of leading and relevant reputed manufacturers/ dealers.
e) Provided further that purchase may be made by the Purchase Committee or any HoDs of the Departments authorized by the Principal. The HoDs may enter into contracts with supplier firms in respect of purchases they are competent to make.