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Achievement in TNMC OT Carnival

9th Dec 2021

The Gender Sensitization Committee of the School of Physiotherapy conducted a ,”Rendezvous with the Rugby Champion & TEDx speaker : Dr. Vahbiz Bharucha”, on the 25th April 2019 from2.00pm to 4.30pm at the 6th Floor Medical college building. The program organization was expertly carried out by the members of our GSC, Dr. Bindya Sharma & Dr. Rishabh Sharan.
The Chief Guest and speaker for the program was Dr. Vahbiz Bharucha, Captain-Indian Women’s Rugby team, a renowned Sports Physiotherapist, and a TEDx speaker.
Dr. Anu Arora, Chairperson of Gender Sensitization Committee of School of Physiotherapy commenced the event with a welcome speech emphasizing the need for the generation next i.e our students to come forwards & to reboot our thought processes &lay the foundations of an egalitarian society.

The program was inaugurated by the Chief Guest Dr. Vahbiz Bharucha and Director, School of Physiotherapy Dr. Unnati Pandit with the lighting of the lamp and invocation prayer.
Highlights of the program were as follows:.
Let’s Debate : Should All Stereotypes be Broken
The following staff and students of The School of Physiotherapy actively and enthusiastically participated in the debate giving in their enlightened views for and against the topic :
1. Tanvi Belvalkar
2. Aditi – MPT 1
3. Siddhant Menon -4th BPT
4. Pravisht Mishra – 3rd BPT
5. Abhinav – 3rd BPT
6. Nikshita D’Souza –MPT 2
7. Tanvi – MPT 2
8. Pooja Thakkar – MPT 2
9. Andrea – 4th BPT
10.Hannah – 4th BPT

Rendezvous with Dr. Vahbiz Bharucha
Dr. Bharucha was interviewed by Dr. Vaishnavi Chiddarwar (MPT II). The conversation highlighted the journey of her life and obstacles faced as a rugby player, a Physiotherapist, and Captain of the Indian women’s rugby team. Everyone actively participated in an open discussion with Dr. Vahbiz Bharucha and was appreciative of getting an opportunity to interact with her.
In the end, the participants of the debate were felicitated with the certificate of participation. Dr. Unnati Pandit presented a small gift and a sapling to Dr. Bharucha as a token of our appreciation. This event marked the beginning of a plantation drive towards a green initiative by the School of Physiotherapy.
The program which was attended by over 100 students and 20 staff members from various colleges and departments of the University marked a small step towards a better, stronger, and equal tomorrow!