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Function of the Committee

The International Students' Cell assists the foreign students in eligibility assessment, admission, obtaining Study/ Research Visa and residential permit. It establishes linkages with Institutions, help fresher’s to connect with fellow citizens. The International Students Cell also disseminates information on study abroad opportunities and avenues for academic collaborations to faculty and students of various University Departments and Colleges. The International Students' Cell functions as a liaison between the foreign students, Academic Institutions, Faculty, University Offices, Diplomatic Missions, State/ Central Government Departments, Police/ Intelligence and other legal agencies. The Cell maintains the data base of foreign students studying in the university.The University provides Hostel, Health and Library facilities to all the students with in the campus.

International Students' Cell organises the following activities for the benefit of foreign students

  • Functional English training course for non-English medium foreign students after admission.
  • Awareness programme about law of the land, in association with Police Department
  • International Student Cell also assist for extension of VISA.
  • Addressing any other academic or administrative problem of students.
  • Sports and Cultural Programmes.
  • The cell assists and guides the students on matters related to admission formalities, hostel allocation, issue of Bonafide Certificates.
  • Issue of offer letters for provisional admission (By International Counsellor)
  • Redresser of student grievances.
  • Issue of all official letters and documents related to International students.