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a) This Committee shall act for purchase of articles in bulk i.e. valuing Rs.25,000/- and above subject to the rules regarding delegation of financial powers in force.
b) The requirements of various departments received by the Principal shall be consolidated and placed before the Committee for scrutiny. The Committee will then recommend for calling of quotations or for negotiations as it may deem fit.
c) In order to expedite supplies or to ensure the quality and standard of goods, the Committee shall have the power to allot the supply of articles to any agency by negotiations, if the circumstances so require, even at higher than the lowest quotation.
d) The Committee or any member or members authorized by it shall inspect the articles supplied and would approve the same. In the event of disagreement in the Purchase Committee, the matter will be referred to the Principal for final decision.
e) This Committee may also consider such other matters relating to purchases as may be referred to it by the Principal.
f) In such cases where it is not possible to follow the normal procedure due to emergent purchases and also in case of such items where the purchase through quotations is not feasible for the reasons to be assigned in writing, the PC may recommend to the Principal to release the purchase order.