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Function of the Cultural Committee

Culture should be regarded as the set of distinctive spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional features of society or a social group, and encompasses, in addition to art and literature, lifestyles, ways of living together, value systems, traditions and beliefs. Culture shapes individual’s worldviews and the way communities address the changes and challenges of their societies. For this reason, education serves as a critical vehicle for transmitting these value systems as well as for learning from the humanity’s diversity of worldviews, and for inspiring future creativity and innovation.
The most powerful and influential method to solve any social and economic issues in the society is nothing but, learning through cultural engagement at all levels and for diverse target groups. There is an urge and special consideration on the cultural sector in educational and lifelong learning programs as it has been ignored as the positive impact at all levels is indisputable.
The roles of educational institutions, educators, and educational materials in a cultural formation and transformation are for the overall growth of a human being.We learns about the social and cultural values through education. Education makes students ready to deal with cultural ethics and norms. There are many materials and educational sites, which the focuses on culture development of education. Individual’s adoption of natural and social environment in a positive way takes place via cultural elements. Each person of the society has his or her own preference and mentality to perceive the world around. Education changes the perception of the individual toward different forms of community. Education seems to be a foundation of the transmission, and at times, the transformation of culture. Understanding this interaction is complex, in part because “education” and “culture” are difficult to portray with precision; and in part because the interaction goes in both directions: culture has an impact on education along with, great impact of education on culture. Education has the privilege, authority and potential to reshape the process of thinking of the society and culture across the globe.