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Engineering MOU'S

Sr. No. Name of the industry/Company Date of signing Validity Purpose Department
1 Utkarsh, IDBI Intech Limited 12/17/2021 3 years Certificate course in Advance Banking Technology Institute
2 Juniper 11/24/2021 1 year Certification Institute
3 SITER 10/22/2021 5 years R&D, organizing conference Institute
4 Linux Professional Institute Canada 10/21/2021 Certification in Linux Institute
5 Absolute Motion Pvt Ltd 3/20/2021 3 years R&D Instrumentation
6 EC Council 3/18/2021 3 years Academia Partner for Certification in Cybersecurity Institute
7 B&R Industrial Automation Pvt Ltd 2/24/2021 3 years R & D, students training, projects, internship Instrumentation
8 Eduskills Foundation 5/6/2020 3 years Training and certifications Institute
9 TCS 1/6/2020 5 years New Course CSBS Institute
10 Litech Electrosystems 7/3/2020 2 years Internship Electronics
11 Cypress Semiconductor 9/5/2017 2 years Training and certifications Institute
12 ATS Infotech 3/4/2017 1 year Training and certifications Institute
13 Global Talent Track Pvt Ltd 8/18/2016 1 year Training and certifications Institute
14 Electronik Lab 4/7/2016 3 years Training and certifications Institute
15 ATS Infotech 3/30/2016 1 year Training and certifications Institute
16 Yokogawa India Ltd 8/14/2015 3 years Training and certifications Instrumentation
17 TCS 7/21/2015 3 years FDP, workshops, training Institute
18 Gaurang Softtech 4/6/2015 3 years R&D Institute
19 Oracle 9/25/2014 Training and certifications Institute
20 Infosys 3/29/2013 Campus Connect Institute