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Duties & Responsibility of Committee Members

  • To promote the overall academic affairs of the institute.
  • To provide direction with regard to methods of instruction, evaluation or research or improvement in academic standards
  • To consider matters of academic interest either on its own initiatives or at the insistence of the governing council and take proper action there on.
  • To approve the proposals/regulations recommended by the Board of Studies on academic regulations, framing of syllabus and evaluation methods.
  • To introduce value added courses/ certificate courses which are required to meet industry needs
  • To prescribe courses of study leading to undergraduate and Post graduate degree of the institute
  • To develop the regulations for student’s admission based on government policies.
  • To formulate guidelines for the conduct of examinations in conformity With bye-laws of the institute and the affiliating university
  • To maintain proper standards of the examination
  • To develop the guidelines for sports, extracurricular activities, maintenance and functioning of play grounds and hostels
  • To promote research within the institute and acquire reports on such research from time to time for further guidance and advice
  • To prescribe measures for departmental coordination
  • Ratifies and resolves the minutes of Board of Studies
  • To make recommendations to the governing council for the following:
    I) Inception of new courses
    II) Initiate measures for improvements of standards of teaching, Training and research.
    III) Institution of fellowships, Travelling fellowships, scholarships, medals, prizes etc.
    IV) Establishment or discontinuation of courses / centres and formulate bylaws guiding the academic functioning of the institute admissions and examinations.