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Duties & Responsibility of Committee Members

  • Attend biannual board meetings and other events/functions as requested. Review agenda and supporting materials prior to board meetings.
  • Be informed about the program(s); its students, curriculum, services/supports, and activities, and inform others.
  • Identify and present opportunities for students and/or host students for capstone projects or experiences.
  • Assist with placement of program graduates.
  • Share developments in the field.
  • Provide support and advice to program(s), assist in the development of new programs, and identify best-practice standards.
  • Serve as an ambassador and advocate to the program(s), providing a connection to and ongoing exchange of information and ideas with practitioners in the field and other external contacts.
  • Realistically assess the labor market demand for program graduates and advise the program to ensure graduates with the skills required to meet employment needs.
  • Assess the currency of curriculum and teaching practice. Work with program staff and other board members to ensure that the program is delivering learning that is up to date and relevant to current business, industry, labor, and professional employment practices.
  • Assist with program marketing and promotion.
  • Assist in identification and acquisition (when appropriate) of external funding and resources to support the students and program (e.g., scholarships, program materials, and other resources).
  • Assist in the identification and recruitment of new board members.
  • Provide recommendations for topic presenters for advisory board meetings.