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Delegation of Powers

The planning and monitoring Board may, by a resolution, delegate to the Vice Chancellor or any other officer/faculty or to a Committee of officers/faculties of the Institution Deemed to be University, such powers as it may deem fit, subject to the condition that the action taken by the Vice Chancellor or the officer/faculty, or the Committee in the exercise of the powers so delegated, shall be reported at the next meeting of the planning and monitoring board.

Delegation involves entrusting work, responsibility and authority by a leader or a head of a team to a subordinate in the bid to hold the accountability of the outcome of the performance. This implies assigning a level of decision making autonomy and encourages performance of a given task to achieve a desirable outcome. Delegation is also an important function in every universities and in the educational setting. Delegation enables management to make the best use of their time and skills as well as ensuring that staff and subordinates are assisted in their growth and development whilst building trust and confidence as well as increasing the amount of expected work to be completed.

D Y Patil Deemed to be university explained that effective delegation provides several benefits to the educational setting as managers are able to mobilize resources, share responsibilities and also focuses on doing a few tasks well, rather than many things less effectively resulting in increased management and leadership potential. The several benefits of delegation include it saves time and helps achieve more within a short stipulated time. Delegating responsibilities to team members helps utilize the capabilities and strengths of other individuals.

At D Y Patil deemed to be university we empower our staff and students with delegated duties, tasks and responsibilities to help them build their individual confidence and the promotion of team work.