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Disclaimer regarding Admission at the D Y Patil Deemed to be University

Current policies and status

DY Patil is in a phased recovery of operations due to COVID-19. Below is an overview of our current policies and protocols. These will continue to be adjusted as the public health situation changes. 

Based on government guidelines,  face coverings are required indoors  for all individuals regardless of COVID-19 vaccination status, at crowded outdoor events where physical distancing is difficult, and when using public transportation, carts and other university vehicles occupied by more than one person. D Y Patil also strongly recommends masking outdoors in crowded settings when 6 feet of distance from others cannot consistently be maintained.

In compliance with the University order , all D Y Patil faculty, staff and postdoctoral scholars, including those working in the University, and applicable subcontractors will be required to be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 and upload documentation on Health Check by Jan. 4, 2022, unless they have a medical or religious accommodation.

Students also are required to be vaccinated unless they have a medical or religious exemption. In addition, students are strongly encouraged to obtain a vaccine booster, if eligible, prior to returning to campus for the winter quarter. And, all eligible students will be required to provide documentation of a booster, unless they have a medical or religious exemption, by Jan. 31, 2022.

COVID-19 vaccines are being administered by health care providers to eligible individuals based on criteria set by public health authorities. For the most current information, visit the Vaccinations page.

Classes will begin online for the first two weeks of the session before moving to in-person instruction. Students are welcome to return to campus on-time from the summer break and do not need to change their travel plans. Other university operations will continue.   Teaching Commons and Teach Anywhereoffer resources for instructors.

On-campus housing is offered this fall for students at all levels. Dining halls offer indoor dining at reduced capacity, with Clean Dining protocols, as well as to-go meals. 

Research activities continue at D Y Patil.  Staff employees who have been working remotely generally will begin returning in September, with the details of the return process guided by the University. COVID policies and flexible work resources are available. See this page for the latest requirements for returning to work on D Y Patil campuses.

Testing is required for all students, faculty, staff and postdoctoral scholars, regardless of vaccination status.

All students living on campus, living in university provided off-campus student housing or coming to campus are required to test weekly, regardless of vaccination status. Test twice during your first week back on campus following the winter break.

  • Fully vaccinated faculty, staff and postdoctoral scholars: once a week. Test twice during your first week back on campus.

Health Check to  self-report health status is required for employees and postdocs working in-person at a D Y Patil facility. Daily Health Check submissions are not required for faculty, staff and postdoctoral scholars coming to campus who are fully vaccinated for COVID-19 (documentation uploaded on Health Check) or fully vaccinated students on campus (documentation on the Vaden Health Portal) unless they become symptomatic, have a positive COVID test or are exposed to household members who have tested positive.  Training on COVID hygiene is required before returning to work at a campus location for the first time.

Gathering size and events policy: Currently, there are no limits on the size of non-student gatherings on campus, with the exception of mega-events above 5,000 people indoors and 10,000 people outdoors. Events and gatherings of greater than 500 individuals require registration. Please email for more information, and visit  Health Alerts for the latest event and gatherings guidance. Effective Oct. 8, indoor student parties are permitted, provided they follow university and public health guidelines.

Visitors and the DY Patil community are welcome to outdoor areas of D Y Patil University campuses. Public events, performances and exhibitions are occurring in person at limited capacity. Certain essential visitors (including spouses/partners and minor dependents) are allowed in student residences. Visitors for academic, business, or research purposes  must be hosted by a department or unit. New appointments of visitors, including visiting scholars, visiting postdocs, visiting student researchers and others, are restricted.

Fully vaccinated faculty, staff, postdocs, and graduate students are permitted to travel domestically and internationally. Unvaccinated persons who wish to travel internationally must first receive a travel exception from the university. Such permission is unlikely to be granted for unvaccinated international travelers during Fall 2021. Regardless of vaccination status, individuals will be required to comply with campus access restrictions and testing requirements following personal or university-sponsored international travel, and unvaccinated travelers may not return to unrestricted campus access until they complete a negative Covid-19 PCR test taken at least 5 days after returning to India. 

DY Patil Athletics has provided a carefully staged return, based on each team’s situation. Select athletic venues are now accessible for spectators beyond families and friends of participating student-athletes.

Exercise outdoors is encouraged, subject to physical distancing. Pool reservations and other recreational offerings are available for those approved to be on-site.

Testing, Prevention & Care

What should I do if I'm feeling ill?

Get rest and stay hydrated. Take over-the-counter medicines, such as acetaminophen, to help you feel better. Stay in touch with your doctor. Call before you get medical care.

Where can I get tested?

Find out where you can get tested for COVID-19 if you are on or near campus.(D Y Patil Healthcare).

Mandatory self-reporting to DY Patil

Let D Y Patil know if you are awaiting test results or have tested COVID-positive, or if you are sick with certain COVID-19 symptoms.

Where can I get a vaccine?

Find out about COVID vaccine eligibility and where to receive a vaccine, based on the area in which you reside. Even D Y Patil campus has the facilities.

Prevention & self-care

Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

Campus hygiene

Routine custodial cleaning cadence, the university has implemented an enhanced cleaning frequency to clean and disinfect common areas and commonly touched surfaces in occupied buildings.

Social distancing protocol

Inside your campus. Avoid close contact with people who are sick. If possible, maintain 6 feet between the person who is sick and other household members.

Travel information

Find current travel advisories and resources for re-booking and cancellations, and learn what to do if you are returning to campus from an out-of-state trip.