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About the Committee

The Students’ Council of D Y Patil Deemed to be university is the apex committee among all the committees/ associations of the college. It consists of student members from each class. Nowadays, there is an increasing trend among the students of higher education to enrol in institutions that are away from their home. They do this in search of better facilities and quality of education. Due to its high rank at the regional and national level among higher education institutes, D Y Patil Deemed to be university is a favourite college for students not only from Mumbai, but also from all over India. Hence, a large number students take admission in D Y Patil Deemed to be University College for various Courses.

The executive Committee shall comprise the Officers, the Mentor, and the Student Activities Officer. No meeting of the Executive Committee shall take place without either the Mentor or the Student Activities Officer in attendance.The Activities Committee (chaired by the Public Relations Officer) is involved with the Student Activities Officer in planning the extracurricular actives, the Year Book and other activities of the Council. Special committees may be appointed by the President to plan and carry out activities approved by Student Council.

The various institutes under the umbrella of Padmashree Dr. D Y Patil University have student councils, both robust and energetic, always brimming with ideas. The members of the student council are inducted after a rigorous selection process on the basis of their talents, sincerity and merits. The tenure of the selected Students Council is one academic year.

The Students’ Council is the representative body of the entire student community. The students play a strategic role in Anti Ragging Committee, Gender Sensitization programs, grievance committees & disciplinary committees. The council enthusiastically participates in various events organized by the committees with sterling performances, which helps in inspiring the youth of our University. The Student Council also provides valuable feedback regarding curriculum, teaching learning and evaluation process. The committee works for the overall welfare of the student through student development programs, counseling sessions, industrial visits, social activities etc which encourages the development of student’s interests and passions.

The activities of the council especially come to the fore during institutional fests. The events are led by the students and conceptualized in consultation with staff advisors. These events foster a spirit of camaraderie among students and provide a platform for students to develop and showcase their talents, and to hone their administrative and creative skills. Thus these events help in holistic development of their personalities apart from increasing their knowledge quotient. Cultural fests have innovative themes every year, like “Unsung Hereo’s”, “Nostalgia”, “One-Oath-Save”; that has motivated students to be transformed in to better individuals. Events in fine arts, literary and other disciplines showcases the skills of students. Annual day functions are hosted by the student council where students are felicitated for their academic and extra-curricular achievements, along with cultural programs. During the week, the ethnicity of our Indian culture is celebrated with great zeal.

Apart from cultural fest, the Council also works for betterment of the society by organizing check up & treatment camps, Blood Donation camps, donation of Clothes, books, toys and groceries in collaboration with NGO’s. The sports arm of the University promotes the competitive spirit and team work amongst students by organizing intra and intercollegiate sports events including Cricket Premier Leagues and Soccer leagues. The university supports and encourages the students to participate in National sports competitions as well. Festivals are a reflection of the culture of our country. These are celebrated with zest & zeal on the campus to acquaint the students with the culture and tradition of our country. Various events are organized by the Student Council on the days of National importance and festive occasions like Ganesh Chathurdi, Eid, Christmas, Navratri & Diwali. Initiatives by students also include an Annual magazine by the institutions and Music bands like Prognosis & Cusps. The activities of the student council have contributed to both, student community and to the institutional development immensely.