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A Purchase Committee (PC) is a group of designated staff established for independent review and evaluation of purchasing documentation whose main objective is to recommend the most appropriate supplier or service provider based on price, quality, stock availability, references, credentials etc. Purchase Committee (PC) is established and managed by a senior professor in the college with the responsibility for the successful outcome of the evaluation process under the guidance of the Principal. The Principal may act as the chairperson with a nonvoting role in all PC meetings.

1. During the absence of the Finance and Accounts Officer, the Registrar shall act as the Secretary of the Committee.
2. The Purchase Committee shall invite the head of the university department or university institution, for which the purchases are to be made.
3. All members of the committee, other than ex-officio members shall hold office for a term of three years and shall not be eligible for a second consecutive term in the same university.
4. All matters pertaining to all purchases of the University in respect of such items where individual cost of each item is not more than rupees ten lakhs at a time, shall be as prescribed by the Statutes.
5. The powers and duties of the Purchase Committee and the procedure for its meetings shall be as prescribed by the Statutes.