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81st virtual Annual Conference of The
Associations of Surgeons of India (ASICON 2021)




to study various prognostic factors in PERFORATIVE PERITONITIS

Materials and methods: study was conducted in department of general surgery- 50 patients were enrolled.

All patients admitted with age group 18 and Above of both sexes diagnosed with perforative peritonitis were included in the study . Patients undergoing re-exploration for perforative peritonitis as a complication Following other surgical procedure, Patients suffering from trauma induced perforative peritonitis, Patients below 18 years or age and Pregnant females were excluded


Mean age of the patients was 43.02 + 11.07 years and Females comprised 38% of the study population. In the present study, 62% of the Patients gave a history of addiction. Duodenum was the site of perforation in 48% of The patients, appendicular perforations were seen in 16%, ileal in 14% and jejunal in 10%. It was observed that approximately two thirds of all patients presented within 24 Hours of symptom onset. 60% of all patients had a heart rate of less than 100 per Minute, approximately two thirds of all patients had a systolic blood pressure at the Time of presentation more than 90 mm Hg.

It was observed that 38% of all patients had the perforation Size more than 1 cm. It was observed that 18% of all patients had more than 1000 ml Of contamination. More than one perforation, more than 24 hours of symptom to presentation and more than 1000 ml of Contamination were found to be significantly associated with higher mortality among Our patients.


Adequate preoperative resuscitation (with fluids, etc.), correction of Electrolyte imbalances followed by an early surgical intervention. To remove the source of infection and stop further contamination, is imperative for good clinical Outcomes. Future multi-centric studies are needed to understand the etio-pathogenesis And compare clinical outcomes so as to minimize morbidity and mortality.