Main Content

Vision,Mission,Goals & Objective

The Research Committee will create an outstanding climate of support for D Y Patil Deemed to be University ,School of Management researchers, broadly enabling management research advances.

Provide support to Faculty's research endeavours and expand the research capacity and research portfolio of the Faculty.

To enhance the research awareness among faculty by organizing discussions with eminent researchers and conducting national and international conferences, seminars, symposia, faculty development programmes and workshops on writing research papers,SPSS,writing Books ,research methodology, IPR and patenting.

To encourage faculty to undertake research projects in thrust areas in Management funded by various national and international agencies.
To explore new horizons of knowledge and ensure its practical implementation through collective efforts and quality research work.
To provide a creative atmosphere, complemented by adequate facilities and resources in which higher studies and research thrive amongst the faculty and students.
To establish Centers of Excellence in thrust areas.
To adopt Collaborative Research with premier Institutes and industries.
To mentor the academic and industry based research projects.
To publish the research works in renowned journals especially Scorpus and UGC care listed Journals .
To motivate and mentor students to participate in various International contests and contribute by writing research papers.