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Career Enhancement

The D.Y.Patil deemed to be University,School of Management takes a large amount of responsibility not only in providing the present trending curriculum to all its students but also plays a big role to advance the learning experience and carry it through personal life and professional life. This is done through guest engagements from the industry experts, alumni and faculty of the school. The students are introduced to multiple sessions which give them insights about the skills which need to be developed for self-grooming as well to craft their individual career path. The objective of doing so by the school is to bring the students as individuals to take very strong decisions on their choices made with respect to lifestyle, skillset and ideal job or professional requirements.

Over the years the school has organised engaged in Career Enhance with its students by bringing the opportunity to engage themselves via guest lectures, webinars, hands on workshop, field foundation and summer internship and short term certifications in industry oriented requirements such as Business Analytics,AI,Digital Marketing.

The topics which range to name a few range from Develop your Life skills, How to build your resume, Soft skill development to crack an interview, Skills to introspect to become an entrepreneur, Idea generation and how to write a business plan, Challenges faced in health care jobs and how to bring solutions. Re-Engineering the HR practices post Covid, Financial Accounting made simple, Art and Science of cracking Interviews, Career prospects in Pharma Industry, Introduction to International business and career opportunities, Campus to Corporate, Changing trends in Biopharmaceutical Industries, Crypto currency and Fintech tools, Beginners guide to content Marketing, Emerging role of Management in sports arena.AI and Fintech –Opportunities, How to engage via SAS platform-Google meet.

To name few workshops with hands on experience were resume building, how to take your interview, Advance excel, Financial Modelling, How to engage on LinkedIn, Industry analysis, Format for detailing in Pharma industry, Market research and how to do it?

The students have also got an opportunity to work on live projects and internships with organisations like Outlook, Anand Rathi, Bluestar, Walnut, and D.Y.Patil Hospital, Jupiter on multiple projects from different specialisations from Marketing, Finance, and Biopharmaceutical industry, Human Resource and Health and Hospital to name a few.

Key take aways for students from Career Enhancement Programs were
• The students got an opportunity to explore a large amount of opportunities for their career path decision.
• The workshops brought insights into their existing skill set and requirements.
• Could take learnings from multiple experts about industry requirement and the present trends of the industry.
• Scope for improvement in attitude, knowledge and skill required by individuals, some also could find mentors in alumnus during these sessions.