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Parent Teacher Association

Parent Teacher Association Committee has been constituted to maintain the communication between parents, teachers and the students. This committee coordinates between the Under –Graduate committee, internal assessment committee, attendance committee, LMS Committee and mentorship committee to keep a tract of the students’ performance and convey/communicate to their parents.

Duties and Responsibilities:
1. The committee shall be responsible to inform about the students’ performance to their parents
2. The committee shall be responsible collect the data regarding internal assessment marks and attendance.
3. The committee authorizes to decide the date of the parent teacher meeting to be held. Two meetings are held one after first internal assessment and the other before preliminary examinations.
4. Letters/Mails shall be sent to individual parents’ mentioning about the internal assessment marks and attendance one month prior to the date of parent teacher meeting.
5. In case of any issues the committee guides the parent and the student to their respective subject teacher/the mentor for their better performance.
6. In case of any suggestions given by the parents the committee shall discuss with the higher authorities to be implemented.

Committee Progress Report
Dr.Gagandeep Kaur, Associate Professor & BBA coordinator welcomed the Parents by Saraswathi Vandana & National Anthem. She mentioned that the core objective of conducting the PTM is to take the opinion, suggestions, and affirmations of the parents for all the changes which are being planned to be implemented soon so that Parents are also a part of this transparent journey. Understanding the dilemma of parents on sending their kids to the college for physical classes the parents were shown a video in which all the precautions which will be taken care of in case of Offline/Physical classes followed by introducing Dr. R Gopal, Director, Head of Department and former Dean.

Prof. Dr. R Gopal, Director, Head of Department, and former Dean started his talk by emphasizing the importance of getting both doses of vaccination and stressing that all the students should get both doses. He mentioned the mandatory submission of consents along with the affidavit form of all the parents which was mailed to all the students through the mail by their respective mentors. He talked about how learning management systems have been instrumental during the online classes and the availability of all the content which has been taught is uploaded in the LMS. Moreover, he talked about administrative aspects and the introduction of non-credit courses and their importance and relevance for the students. Furthermore, the importance of webinars which are conducted under the Knowledge series in 2020 and leadership series in the year 2021. A reminder regarding the fees payment dates was also announced by him. Full Fees need to be paid before exams which are scheduled for 12th November 2021. Dr. Vani Kamath, Dean of Academics welcomed once again all parents. She also emphasized attendance criteria being mandatory for appearing for exams. As the syllabus completion will be done by 20th October the parents were advised to keep a watch on the students so that they prepare for the upcoming exams. She mentioned that it is a must for all to submit the required documents.

The following session was opened for interaction between the teacher and the parents and questions/queries were answered which were related to the consent form, Anti ragging affidavit, exam dates, Availability of Mark sheet. Most of the parents were having a lot of doubts regarding the consent letter, they felt that college should continue with the online classes and conduct exams also online-only they felt that management was pressurizing them to sign the document and submit the same to which Dr. R Gopal clarified that management has no intention of creating any pressure and it is not that the parents have to write only YES in the consent form but they are free to express their opinion i.e they can write YES or No. He explained that it was made mandatory to submit the forms because the same will be submitted to the university and a University team will further review all the forms along with the government regulation and take the final call on the issue. Dr. R Gopal gave an assurance to all the parents that a PTM will be conducted in near future to communicate the final decision that would be taken by the university officials. Two parents also wanted certain relaxation on the fees due to their economic condition in response to which Dr. Gopal asked them to officially write a letter along with a certain required document which would be forwarded to the higher authorities to take the final decision. All the concerns were addressed by the authorities and parents were given the assurance that whatever decision will be taken, student's safety and betterment will be given due importance. Few suggestions were also given by the parents which were wholeheartedly accepted by the college and would do their best to implement the same in near future. Dr.Gagandeep Nagra thanked everyone present the organizing committee members, faculties, administrative staff, parents and students, and others for being present for the Meeting.