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Top Recruiters for Placement

The placement team of D.Y. Patil deemed to be University, School of Management was successful to bring large number of organisations for its campus placement with around 100 plus companies engaging with the students with multiple specialization opportunities.

The experience for the students has been positive. Some of the top recruiters for the academic year has been Accenture, Anand Rathi, Ad factors, Atos Syntel, HDFC Life, Mindgate, Stock Holding Corporation etc.… The successful engagement with our Recruitment partners which have been appreciated are Berger, Entab, Sutherland, Axis Bank, Nippo bateries,Reliance jio mart , Alembic,Auxillo,GEP,Walnut ,IPCA,Solace Cogen,Luminous Data Matics,e-Ephasis,Russan Pharma,Jwelex India,Selec ,Neebal technologies,Quality Kiosk,Macleods,India Mart.

Companies with an annual salary ranging between 20plus laks annually to a minimum of 4.5 laks per annum engaged with the school .Some of the Public sector organisations alo engaged with the School to make its place energetic . Few of our Placement Partnering organisations and their logo representations are