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Benefits of Internship

At D.Y. Patil deemed to be University, School of Management at the end of Semester 2 of MBA, the students have to mandatory work in an organisation through internship. This lasts for around 2 to 3 months; this not only benefits the organisation but also the student to upgrade his/her skills that are necessary in today’s world. The beneficiary factor for the student is that they get an insight into the jobs that they are working on and then they can decide on their future decisions.

Students get an overall perspective on how the companies operate in an economy working with an expert in that field. They toil towards their goal with experience in their field; the term experience is very crucial in today’s job market due to a large amount of competition that has arisen, sometimes there are opportunities that the companies offer students based on their skill level and working performance there are opportunities given down the line while working with the company.

Students gain valuable confidence while working with a company and can relate to the work experience with organizations further, where there are difficulties and an expectation not to fail in tasks assigned to them. They also get to build and expand their network before time, which can prove very beneficial for beginners. Students get to build their Resume and gain an advantage over the rest of the crowd there are many factors of internship that help students but the most crucial of them is learning with likeminded professionals, this helps them way ahead in their time and gain solutions to common problems faced in that sector. It also gives them an edge in the job market, with exploring them for their future career path, and transition in to job.

Internship introduces the students to a disciplined lifestyle early on so that they are able to adopt into stressful environment situation. It has been seen many of the students on the basis of their performance in organisation has received Pre-Placement Offer

Key take away of Internship

1) The internship gives a student to explore his /her career while they are studying

2) It enables a student to gain knowledge in a specific industry, and also understand if it matches an individual’s goals.

3) Observe the professionals, network with them and introspect on an individual’s strength and weakness.

4) Most of the companies who come for campus drive also look for the experience in an individual student and strong internship highlights in an individual’s resume bridges the gap of being a fresher and gives better opportunity to the students.

5) The platform of internship also enables a student to gain self-confidence, leadership skills and achieve one’s own learning goals.

6) It enhances ones resume and acts as a tool to decide the path of career goals.