Vision,Mission,Goals & Objective
To create a gender sensitive campus and bring dignity to each life on campus without any discrimination of behavioural practices.
• To bring parity of all genders on the campus.
• Create well balanced emotionally and physically strong women leaders.
• Create individuals who can be developmental champions in all spheres of their lifes.
• Create awareness of health, nutrition and developmental schemes.
To be in the top 100 B-Schools in India.
Toresolve the issues pertaining to Gender Discrimination.
Toprovideaplatform forlistening tocomplaints.
Tofoster healthy relationship with opposite gender.
To equip students, faculty and staffwith theknowledgeoftheirlegal rightsand redressal oftheir grievances.
To facilitate speedydelivery ofjustice,through organizing meetings at regularintervals.
Toconduct GenderAuditeveryyear.
Tolookintotheaction taken of theCommittee