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Undergraduate Program (BBA)

I. Bachelors in Business Administration (BBA) Finance:
1. To impart basic accounting knowledge and to make familiar and understand the importance of Business Accounting to the students which is needed in Business World.
2. To make them aware of cost classification and importance of cost sheet.
3. To make them aware of process costing and inventory management techniques.
4. To provide students with Accounts fundamental necessary to prepare, solve and analyze Financial Statement
5. To provide opportunity for students to work in Finance Department and to make wise decision related to Management multi-disciplinary projects
6. To impart n basic knowledge of derivatives markets
7. To make the student well acquainted with current financial practices and financial services
8. To impart Knowledge on valuation of different sources of finance and make students aware of the rationale, procedure and implications of various corporate decision.
9. To provide students with a sound foundation of Banks and financial institutions
10. To demonstrate salient features, importance and present position of financial services in the Indian financial sector
11. Demonstrate critical thinking, analytical and problem solving skills in the context of derivatives pricing and hedging practice
12. To impart knowledge on investment environment and investment process.

II.Bachelors in Business Administration (BBA) International Business
1. To focus on emerging international business environment
2. To bring out the importance of international business; and to analyze global business Principles and practices with reference to various Indian firms.
3. To make students aware about barriers to international trade
4. To familiarize the students with documentations and procedural requirements of International Business.
5. Discuss position of the developing countries in International relations.
6. To make familiar students with Scope of international business in terms of International Law
7. Identify the nature of international law and the structure of the international legal system.
8. Understand international trade regulation.

III.Bachelors in Business Administration (BBA) Marketing:
1. To help students understand the basic concepts of Marketing Management.
2. To help students comprehend various situations and marketing terminologies.
3. To make them understand marketing mix, new development process
4. To highlight the strategic role of product management in organizational and functional context
5. To make the students understand the deeper aspects of successful services marketing.
6. To make students understand consumer needs role of product and service manager
7. To introduce industrial buyer’s behavior and its utility in different contexts of marketing process.
8. To make them aware about sage of various promotional tools
9. To provide a detailed understanding of Customer Handling Skills
10. To differentiate between Industrial and consumer markets and organization and consumer buying.
11. To define Sales Promotion, Tools of Sales Promotion
12. To equip students with advertising concepts & PR fundamental related to their respective sectors.
13. To demonstrate overview, structure and ethics in advertising.

IV.Bachelors in Business Administration (BBA) Banking and Insurance:
1. To help students understand the fundamentals and theoretical base of principles of banking and insurance business
2. To make the students understand various principles, provisions that govern the Life General Insurance Contracts
3. To impart knowledge on classification of insurance
4. To make students to learn and understand the aspects of Retail banking
5. To make the students aware of process of providing innovative banking and insurance business services.
6. To make understandable to the students regarding the new concepts introduced in the banking and insurance system.
7. To give an adequate exposure to operational environment in the field of Banking & Insurance
8. To demonstrate how marketing strategies are applied in Banking and Insurance Sectors.
9. To make student understand the significance of Customer Satisfaction in Banking and Insurance industry .

Bachelors in Business Administration (BBA) Hospital Administration
1. To incorporate healthcare principles with business and industry understanding.
2. To develop young effervescent professionals for managing healthcare organizations.
3. To make students face managerial actions in healthcare-related industries or organizations by projects and training.
4. To acquire and practice leadership and managerial skills that will positively affect performance as a healthcare manager.
5. Promote research in the field of healthcare and hospitals to improve the efficiency of health care delivery systems.