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Undergraduate Program (BBA)

I. Bachelors in Business Administration (BBA) Finance:
By the end of this programme-

1) Prepare financial statements in accordance with generally accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).
2) Be familiar with the rules governing accounting transactions.
3) Analyze financial statements with the help of various tools and techniques of accountancy. Maximization of value of the firm.
4) Determination of patterns of determining capital structure.
5) Assessment of working capital needs of the firm.
6) Calculate and analyze common ratios and numerical relationships that are produced through the accounting cycle.
7) Demonstrate proficiency in processing the accounting cycle for a business using popular accounting software.
8) Demonstrate proficiency in communicating financial information in the subject area.
9) Understand the nature of investments in corporate securities.
10) Develop the relationship between interests and prices of bonds.
11) Use duration and convexity in the analysis of the price sensitivity of bonds to interest rate changes.
12) Interpret the evidence relating to market efficiency.
13) Focus on various decision of the firm like investment, financing and dividend.
14) Understand the nature of share prices movements.

II.Bachelors in Business Administration (BBA) International Business:
By the end of this programme-

1) Students will be able to understand basic business knowledge of international business and insight into international policies and other content related to the global business world.
2) Grasp the meaning and changing nature of International Relations. Understand the utility of the study of International Relations.
3) Students will be able to develop their understanding about Import and export procedures and rules and regulations to be followed.
4) Students will be able to understand how trade between across boundaries of the country takes place for goods, services and technology too.
5) Students will be able to develop their understanding about International Business Environment, International Business meaning and Scope, Reasons to enter International Business, Domestic Versus International Business.
6) Students will be able to demonstrate Methods of Entry in International Business, Challenges faced by International Business, Concept of Globalization, WTO-Objectives, Principles, Functions MNCs-Meaning, Merits and Demerits.

III.Bachelors in Business Administration (BBA) Marketing:
By the end of this programme-

1) To evaluate the significance of marketing.
2) To analyze the relationships between marketing management and the political, economic, legal and social policies and its impact on business.
3) To identify the role and significance of various elements of marketing mix.
4) To evaluate the role and relevance of marketing organization in current marketing conditions.
5) Understanding the marketing concepts in global environment and its relevance.
6) To understand various marketing tools/models for solving marketing problems.

IV.Bachelors in Business Administration (BBA) Banking and Insurance:
By the end of this programme-

1) Students can express their opinions about banking and insurance in written and oral form, based on the basic knowledge and skills they acquire.
2) Students will learn to use computer software and communication technologies, as required in the field,
3) Students will consciousness about universality of social rights, social justice, quality and cultural values, protection of environment, occupational health and safety.
4) Students will understand the various services offered and various risks faced by banks.
5) 5 Students will be aware of various banking innovations after nationalization.
6) Students will understand various principles, provisions that govern the Life and General Insurance Contracts.
7) Students will understand the concept of banking, its significance, functions, bank nationalization and financial sector reforms.
8) Students will learn different types of deposits and loans, principles of sound lending, forms of lending, subsidiary services and other contemporary services.
9) Students will Gain a comprehensive knowledge on the procedural formalities in dealing with different types of customers.
10) Students will Gain an overview about insurance industry and process of Underwriting

V. Bachelors in Business Administration (BBA) Hospital Administration :
By the end of this programme-

1) BBA Hospital Administration program has been developed to churn out professional hospital mangers. Such individuals are by far exceedingly well-equipped to face the growing challenges and cater to the specific requirements of modern-day hospitals.
2) To develop and train top class healthcare management professionals with thorough knowledge and proficiency suited to the various organizations in the field of healthcare globally.
3) Hospital Management courses are not only for the science graduates but are also open to non-science graduates.
4) The teaching pedagogy is a combination of classroom and experiential learning. Experiential learning consists of project study from semester 2 till semester 6 in which students will be going to hospital twice in a week for whole day and assignments.
5) In this program one day visits to large hospitals in and around Mumbai will be arranged. Where participants will interact with industry professionals and learn how to run the day-to-day operations efficiently in the hospitals.
6) Innovative teaching methods and sessions will be conducted where Eminent guest faculty further enrich the course content which contribute to all round personality development in addition to academic excellence and practical competences.
7) Students will be participating in co-curricular activities as well as will be selected as a committee member for various committees where they will work for various events in the institute like sports, cultural, conferences etc.
8) Choice of Electives is made available to enrolled students at the beginning of each semester. Students' choice will be taken as one of the factors while deciding on the Electives offered.
9) Students will be evaluated throughout the three years of the programme by Continuous Internal Evaluation and External Examination at the end of the semester.
10) Employment opportunities in this field are plenty. Fresh degree holders may start their professional career as assistant hospital administrators or as managers of non-health departments like finance.