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Procedures of Functioning:

i. There shall be one semester end examination in each semester for every theory course and shall be conducted centrally as per the schedule indicated in the academic calendar.
ii. Seating arrangement shall be prepared centrally by examination cell into considerations the total number of students appearing for the examination and infrastructure available.
iii. The appointment of the required number of invigilators shall be done by Coordinator of Examinations as per the examination schedule. The invigilators shall be from among the faculty. It is mandatory for the faculties to be available for invigilation during the exam. On the day of examination, the Controller of Examinations/Department Controllers shall bring the set of question papers 15 minutes prior the commencement of the examination to the examination hall.
iv. The invigilators assigned duty for an examination shall report to the Examination Section 30 minutes prior to the commencement of the examination. The invigilator shall count the number of answer books provided and check against number of students allotted to the block.
v. Invigilators shall distribute the answer books to the students at least 10 minutes before the start of the examination, and question papers at beginning of the examination. He/she shall check the Identity Cards of the students’, check whether the students have occupied their right seats as per the seating arrangement, check whether students have correctly filled the details on front page of answer books and then shall sign on the answer books of the students. He shall then obtain the signature of the students on the attendance Performa and maintain the record of the absent students of his/her block.
vi. Invigilator shall check the general discipline in the block during the conduct of examination and report the cases of indiscipline, misbehavior and copying to the Coordinator of Examinations for further necessary action.
vii. At the end of the examination, invigilator shall collect the answer books from the students and arrange them sequentially as per examination seat numbers of the students, separately for each course, and hand it over to Examination Section.
viii. Students are allowed in examination hall up to 15 minutes after commencement of examinations.
ix. After receiving the answers books from invigilators, Examination section staff shall check them as per the attendance record submitted by the invigilators and in case of multiple course if external are conducted in the same hall / block, the exam section staff check if the answer books of each course are sorted out separately.
x. Examination Section staff shall maintain the account of answers books and supplements received and consumed for the examination. The examination section shall also prepare the bills of remuneration of all staff involved in the examination work.
xi. Students are allowed to enter in the Examination Hall up to 15 minutes after Commencement of Examinations for End Semester.
xii. In case of any emergency, the Chairman, Examination Committee is empowered to reschedule any examination.
xiii. Coordinator of Examinations shall be responsible for smooth and proper conduct of examination in the Institute.
xiv. Controllers shall
• Plan for smooth conduct of examination.
• Supervising the plan for seating arrangement, by taking into considerations the total number of students appearing for the examination and seating arrangement available in the institute.
• Get the examination schedule prepared for the entire programme and send the copy of the same to Director/Head of Department and Dean.
• Receive the cases of misbehavior, malpractices and copy cases from invigilators or assessors and forward the same to Redressal Committee for further necessary action.
xiiv. Coordinator of Examinations shall assign examination duties as per following structure:
• Invigilator: Teaching faculty can be appointed for invigilation and reliving duties of examination. One invigilator for a block of 20 students shall be allotted.
• Reliever: One reliever per five to six blocks
• Examination Peon: as per requirement
• Sweeper: as per requirement.
xiiiv. Post examination results will be declared and Marksheets will be distributed.