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Postgraduate Program (MBA)

I) MBA (Marketing Management) :
By the end of this programme-

1. To communicate effectively in a variety of formats of marketing strategy.
2. To utilize qualitative and quantitative methods to investigate and solve critical business problems.
3. To Integrate tools and concepts from multiple functional areas (i.e. finance, marketing, operations, etc.) to solve business problems.
4. To Evaluate and integrate ethical considerations when making business decisions.
5. To incorporate diversity and multicultural perspectives when making business decisions.
6. To evaluate the techniques of marketing and sales for the business and the industry.
7. Students will be developed with the theoretical base for Marketing.
8. To enhance the understanding of national Marketing Environment and Strategies.
9. To make Strategic and Operational Marketing Decisions in the context of different, complex marketing environments.
10. To assess marketing opportunities by analysing customers, competitors and strengths and weakness of the company.
11. To develop skills needed to formulate and critique complete marketing programs including product, price, distribution and promotion policies.
12. To understand marketing strategy in the global context.

II) MBA (Finance Management)
By the end of this programme-

1. Students will be able to apply the knowledge of Accounting standards, financial analytical tools, costing techniques etc.
2. Analysing the financial performance of an organization applying various tools that aid in decision-making.
3. The students will be able to identify the relevance of Financing, Investing & Dividend decisions that impact the growth of the firm.
4. The students are enabled to enhance their knowledge on various financial markets and services provided by the different Financial Institutions.
5. The students are able to accumulate knowledge of the various services offered by the Merchant Bankers.
6. The students will be able to identify the importance of various Insurance products.
7. To analyse and understand the financial perspective of risk management in a broader context .
8. To identify the various avenues of Investment in the purview of risk and return.
9. By the end of this programme students will be able to act as financial analyst, corporate finance manager, portfolio manager and able to perform various roles of investment banker, merchant banker etc.
10. To apply the conceptual and theoretical knowledge of finance field to practical business world.

III) MBA (Human Resource Management)
By the end of this programme-

1. MBA in Human Resource Management programme helps to sensitize students to various facets of managing people and to focus on the development of knowledge and skills that all managers and leaders need.
2. MBA in Human Resource Management programme familiarizes students with current human resource practices that apply to their careers regardless of their field.
3. To facilitate the development of better understanding of human resources issues as they relate to other managerial functions.
4. To apply knowledge of Recruitment advertisements, profiling techniques.
5. To Implement different interviewing methods.
6. To Prepare Questionnaire for interviewers.
7. To analyse the Impact of organizational Performance & HRD.
8. To do Career Planning and Succession Planning .
9. MBA in Human Resource Management programme helps the students to define the organizational culture & ethics.
10. MBA in Human Resource Management programme helps the students to define the basic challenges of organizational design.
11. MBA in Human Resource Management programme helps the students to define the basic challenges of organizational design.
12. MBA in Human Resource Management programme helps the students to define the factors affecting reward system in organization.
13. MBA in Human Resource Management programme helps the students to define the impact of environment i.e. internal & external on Employee Reward Management.
14. MBA in Human Resource Management programme helps the students to define the Govt. and legal issues in reward system .
15. MBA in Human Resource Management programme helps the students to define the reward management system practiced by organizations .
16. MBA in Human Resource Management programme helps the students to understand what would be corporate values .
17. MBA in Human Resource Management programme helps the students to prepare manpower Planning: Procedure and Considerations .
18. MBA in Human Resource Management programme helps the students to prepare HR Requirements Assessment Worksheet .
19. MBA in Human Resource Management programme helps the students to manage Employee Relations and Grievance Handling Corporate Responsibility and Supervisory Responsibility .
20. This course will enable the students to understand nature of organizations, organizational purpose, internal design elements, managing dynamic human processes

IV) MBA (Sports Business Management)
By the end of this programme-

1. The programme offers basic understanding of the nuances and intricacies of the sports business.
2. Students will develop solid skills that meet the challenges of the dynamic sports world.
3. Students will be able to learn important business and management issues, including sport governance, sport compliance, legal aspects of equity in intercollegiate athletics, human resource strategies in intercollegiate athletics, sport finance, ethics, marketing and more.
4. Students will be able to understand various opportunities like managing and creating sporting properties; managing athletes, curating venues; creating wealth and marketing of events or developing businesses, etc.
5. Students will be able to understand the needs of the sports industry by understanding how to successfully incorporate analytics and economic analyses into the daily management of sports organizations.
6. Sport management students will also be benefited from practical experience by applying sport management theory in an actual setting under the direct supervision of a recognized leader in the sports industry.
7. Students will understand the relevance and importance Sports industry and promote the same as a Sports Manager.
8. Knowledge of Sports Business Management will be able to develop the strength needed to thrive in other high-pressure industries too.
9. Students will be able to develop self-awareness, flexibility, adaptability, and curiosity in pursuit of personal and professional growth with respect to Sports industry.
10. Students will be able to demonstrate Socially Responsible Leadership grounded in the principles of diversity and inclusion, ethical decision-making, and sustainable Sports business practices.
11. To lead sport organizations ethically, based on values.
12. To Analyse and critique the scope of sport in society, including how sport is shaped by culture, values and psychosocial experiences.
13. To critique decision-making in contemporary sport practices based on their personal ethical perspectives and values.
14. To synthesize and critique various management and leadership theories, and practices as applied to sport systems.
15. To apply financial management tools and principles of microeconomics and macroeconomics to the sport industry.

V) MBA (Entrepreneurship Management)
By the end of this programme-

1. To enhance appreciation of the role of entrepreneurship in the economic progress of the country through wealth creation and innovative strategies
2. To impart knowledge about entrepreneurial competencies and skills required for starting and sustaining a successful enterprise.
3. Students will be enriched with entrepreneurship skill sets, analytical skill sets, creative thinking which will be leading to idea generation and innovative projects.
4. Students will be able to start their own venture or undertake their own project, as after the course they will be able to acquire, apply.analyse, evaluate and create a new projects or business proposals.
5. Entrepreneurship specialisation students master the skills to sell themselves and their ideas. Students get to improvise their oral, written and communication skills and polish on their visual aids of presentation skills and become more confident to meet the professional requirements.
6. Entrepreneurship specialisation students enhance the skill of looking at problems and challenges in a creative manner. They enable themselves and are able to find problems worth solving. Students think and ideate the situation from customer development, customer validation perspective and detail out competitive analysis, utilizing design and opportunity analysis tools to evaluate real-world problems and projects.
7. Entrepreneurship specialisation students can do better resource allocation and management.
8. Students get briefed about networking practices and detailed industry analysis which enable them to prioritise their target market.
9. Entrepreneurship course creates value. Assessment in the students and articulation skillset as they design, write and present business plans. They are able to apply financial, marketing and HR knowledge to practice.
10. Entrepreneurship Students increase their awareness and deliberately practice the skills and disciplines necessary to increase confidence and agency; foster self-efficacy and self-advocacy; improve communication and problem-solving skills, manage strong impulses and feelings; and identify personal purpose. They are able to either start with their own or put their skill set for others as intrapreneur.

VI) MBA (Systems Management)
By the end of this programme-

1. To familiarize the student with the need for information security in today’s environment.
2. To make the students aware of the various methods and tools available for security of information.
3. To familiarize the participants with the different phases and activities of software engineering with a focus on processes, which help of to create a timely and high-quality software.
4. To create awareness among the participants regarding the evolving role of software quality.
5. To create awareness among the participants regarding the basic principles of Audit and control of IT systems, risks involved in deploying IT Systems and methods for managing the risks and Information System Audit.
6. To create awareness among the participants regarding the peculiarities of managing various IT Infrastructures.
7. To familiarize the participants with the methods, tools and models available for managing IT resources to evolve effective strategies.
8. To familiarize the students with the basic concepts in computer Organization, architecture and operating systems.
9. Understand the basic concepts and technologies used in the field of management information systems.
10. Have the knowledge of the different types of management information systems and understand the processes of developing and implementing information systems.
11. Students will be of the ethical, social, and security issues of information systems and understand the role of information systems in organizations, the strategic management processes, and the implications for the management.

VII) MBA (Operation Management)
By the end of this programme-

1. Student will develop ability to recognize the need of research and its applications, keeping up with the recent trends in OPERATIONS. Students will develop knowledge and skills in LIFO & FIFA ACTIVITIES.
2. Students will acquire skills in assessment, planning and interpretation of various OPERTAIONS strategies with recent advances in the same.
3. Students will be able to practice as independent professional and collaborate with team work and operational & supply chain mgmt. process.
4. Students will be able to involve in various issue resolve in quality control and time Management.
5. Students will develop skills of a self – directed learner and recognize Continuing Educational needs and be a lifelong learner.
6. Students will develop their skills in dealing with suppliers & distributers.
7. Students will be able to impart Retail & logistics education with appropriate teaching- learning methods.
8. Students will be able to practice as independent professional and collaborate with other TEAM LEAD & OPERATIONAL FIELD professionals as a team.
9. Students will develop their skills in STORE Management & operational activities in industry point of view.
10. To develop skills in problem solving, project management, communication, and managing effectively in team-based work environments.
11. Prepares students for employment within a wide variety of service and product industries.

VIII) MBA (Hospital Administration Management)
By the end of this programme-

1. To develop and groom top class healthcare management professionals with in-depth knowledge and expertise suited to the various organizations in the field of healthcare globally.
2. It also enables students to recognize, plan and develop appropriate management skills necessary to build a strong benchmark in the health care sector.
3. MBA Health & Hospital Management program has been designed to help medical and paramedical professionals to understand the requirements of the healthcare industry and empower them with the skills with which they can fulfil them.
4. To develop and train top class healthcare management professionals with thorough knowledge and proficiency suited to the various organizations in the field of healthcare globally.
5. The teaching pedagogy is a combination of classroom and experiential learning. Experiential learning consists of live projects, assignments, case studies and work integrated activities.
6. During the programme, students will be provided with a distinctive opportunity of live project to experience actual administration of a modern hospital via Industry-Institute Interaction.
7. In this program one day visits to large hospitals in and around Mumbai will be arranged. Where participants will interact with industry professionals and learn how to run the day-to-day operations efficiently and manage the various functions of a large hospital including Finance, Billing, HR, Customer Service, Hospital Supplies, and General Administration.
8. Student will develop ability to recognize the need of research and its applications, keeping up with the recent trends in Healthcare. Students will develop knowledge and skills in research methodology and data analysis with the ability to conduct research in management.
9. Students will understand the importance and relevance of health care delivery system in India and globally and promote health as a Healthcare administrator.
10. Innovative teaching methods and sessions will be conducted where Eminent guest faculty further enrich the course content which contribute to all round personality development in addition to academic excellence and practical competences.
11. The Dissertation (Project Work) in the final semester assists students to apply concepts and techniques learnt during the program.

IX) MBA (Pharmaceuticals Management)
By the end of this programme-

1. Students will be able to understand basic concepts and functioning of pharmaceuticals industry.
2. Students will be able to understand Consumer Behaviour in Pharmaceuticals.
3. Students will be able to demonstrate New Product launch and Brand Building in Pharmaceuticals Industry.
4. Students will be able to understand what disease management is.
5. Students will be to demonstrate Advertising in Pharmaceuticals & Auditing in Pharmaceuticals industry.

X) MBA (Logistic Supply Chain Management)
By the end of this programme-

1) Students will get opportunity to learn and understand about industry.
2) Students will acquire skills in Negotiation, Vendor management, Transportation Management, warehouse planning, Inventory management of various organisation and plan relevant strategies.
3) Students will be able to accommodate in industry along with individuals who has expertise in same domain.
4) Student will develop ability to understand and operate in shipping industry.
5) Students will be able to impart application-based education with appropriate teaching- learning methods.
6) Students will get opportunity to learn elements of Supply Chain management, which is backbone of organisation now days.
7) Students will understand the importance and relevance of Supply Chain and Logistics Management.

XI) MBA (Retail Management)
By the end of this programme-

1. Students will develop skills of a self – directed learner and recognize Continuing Educational needs and be a lifelong learner.
2. Students will able to practice in Retail market segmentation & Total quality management.
3. Students will be able to impart Retail & Merchandising education with appropriate teaching- learning methods.
4. Students will be able to practice as independent professional and collaborate with other Retailing Field professionals as a team.
5. Students will acquire skills in assessment, planning and interpretation of various Retail strategies with recent advances in the same.
6. Students will be able to practice as independent professional and collaborate with team work and Brand Management process...
7. Students will develop the skill of evidence based practice and demonstrate ability to review past and current literature and appropriate learning resources in terms of BRANDING & DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS on relevant aspects.
8. Students will develop their skills in STORE Mgmt. & Distribution Management.
9. Students will able to practice in Retail market with store mgmt. & Total quality management with respect to brand & Promotion.
10. Students will be able to understand complexities of operating a retail business and understand importance of retail strategy in the changing environment.

XII) MBA (International Business Management)
By the end of this programme-

1. To understand what is international business environment and major decisions in international Business and will be able to understand various political risks.
2. Students will be able to understand what are barriers to international trade, methods of entering international business.
3. Students will be able to develop International Strategic Alliance.
4. Students will be able to develop strategy-making in International Business Management: Achieving.
5. Students will be demonstrate what is import and Export, what can be imported and Exported, and can highlight prevailing EXIM Policy..
6. Students will be able to understand Export Procedures: General excise clearances; Role of clearing and following agents; shipment of export cargo; Export credit; Export credit guarantee and policies; Forward exchange cover; Finance for export on deferred payment terms; Duty drawbacks.
7. Students can demonstrate Export Documentation: Pre-shipment, Post-shipment.
8. Students will be understand Import Procedures & Documentation: Import licensing policy; Actual user licensing; Replenishment licensing; Import-export pass book; Capital goods licensing.
9. Students will be able to understand Export Incentives: Overview of export incentives-EPCG, Duty drawbacks, duty exemption schemes, tax incentives; Procedures and documentation.

XIII) MBA (Aviation Management)
By the end of this programme-

1. Student will be able to understand the international and national regulatory structure of Aviation Industry.
2. Students will be able to appreciate the role of aviation industry and its stake holders.
3. Student will be able to understand the fundamentals of flight, propulsion and meteorology.
4. Students will be able to demonstrate fixed base operation to the scheduling of planes and pilot and also involves maintenance of aircrafts and other required issues.
5. Students will be able to handle Airline Operations Management, Airline/Airport Revenue Forecasting, Fuelling Management, and Flight Analysis etc.

XIV) MBA (Biotechnology Management)
By the end of this programme-

1. Students will be able to understand application and methodology of biotechnology.
2. Students will be able to demonstrate Process design, Process equipment.
3. Demonstrate Procurement of material.
4. Students will be able to understand what is all about Water system- air system layout, Master formula designing, Quality control and quality assurance, animal requirement.
5. Students will be able to demonstrate emerging trends in biotechnology.
6. Students will be able to understand tissue engineering, new drug design and development.
7. Students can demonstrate Combinational chemistry, Genomes and profeomes. Pharmacogenomes.
8. Students will be able to develop basic concepts and definitions, steps in hi-tech BT-projects.
9. Students will be able to for goal setting and establishing milestones for BT-projects.
10. Students will be able to demonstrate Network analysis and generic quantitative techniques.

XV) MBA (Banking and Insurance Management)
By the end of this programme-

1. Students will be able to retrieve basic institutional and practical knowledge supported by text books including up-to-date information in the field of Banking and Insurance, e-learning portal of D Y Patil University,
2. Students will be able to apply knowledge of banking, insurance and capital market law besides fundamental legal knowledge,
3. Students will be able understand financial analysis of banks and insurance companies,
4. Students will be able to analyse developments in financial markets.
5. Students will be able to analyse risks and financial problems.
6. Students will Evaluate use basic theoretical and practical knowledge gained in the field in an advanced education level of the same field or at the same level of another field,
7. Students will take responsibility for the problems encountered or not anticipated in practice, as a member of a team,
8. Students gain consciousness of lifelong learning,
9. Students will gain foreign language skills at the elementary level.
10. Students will be able to analyse Competent in creating different types of charges and documentation in respect of different types of borrowers against various types of securities