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The Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) is an intensive leadership experience organized by Rotary clubs along with the Rotaract clubs where young individuals develop their skills as a leader while having fun and making connections.

RCDYPUSM conducted an E-RYLA this year along with its parent Rotary – Rotary Club of Navi Mumbai bayside. Another Rotary and 2 other Rotaract Clubs collaborated with RCDYPUSM for this event. We had some immensely experienced Rotarians, Rotaractors and Alumni on board for the event. The RYLA commenced on a soulful note with a short Yoga session followed by a session by Dr. RenuDudhmande where she explained the impact of Covid on our health and spoke about the importance and necessity of post Covid rehabilitation. Following this was a session by Rtn. Satish Mane where he gave the audience an important mantra on how to become successful and happy. PDRR Rtn. Kaustav Ghosh conducted a Case Study session with the participants on the need of business sensitivity and empathy in the current times. Rtn. Jaiprakash Kabra gave the participants important insights on factors for personal and professional growth and success “HUM HONGE KAMYAAB”. Lastly, we had a panel discussion on Rotary-Rotaract Relationships wherein the panellists-DGN Rtn. Kailash Jethani, DRRE Rtn. Rtr. RaheshDonny, PDRRRtn. Rtr. Shardul Gavaskar and Mr. Murali Subramanian gave their valuable opinions on how to better the relations.