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Duties & Responsibilities of Non-Teaching

Non-Teaching Staff Responsibilities towards Faculties and Students
1. Staff must at all times observe the University Equal Opportunities Policies for staff and pupils and treat pupils, parents and other stakeholders in accordance with those policies
2. As the technical and administrative staffs are expected to work closely with the faculty of the university in day to day activities,
3. The staff must Respect the prerogative of the faculty members to look after the education of the student and provide all assistance needed in the discharge of his/her duties in imparting education.
4. Develop friendly and co-operative relationship with the faculty members Provide full co-operation and support to the faculty members for the development of University
5. A member of technical and administrative category is expected to develop fraternal relationships with his/her colleagues to nurture proper interpersonal relationships and to develop team spirit.
6. Extend co-operation to his/ her colleagues in activities relating to academic and administrative matters and the development of his/her profession.
7. Refrain from passing information about colleagues to any individual or agency without his/her express permission

Non-Teaching Staff Responsibilities towards colleagues
1. Treat their colleagues in the same manner as they themselves wish to be treated;
2. Speak respectfully of other colleagues and render assistance for betterment of the University;
3. Refrain from lodging unsubstantiated allegations against colleagues to higher authorities; and
4. Refrain from allowing considerations of caste, creed, religion, race or sex in their professional endeavour.

Non-Teaching Staff Responsibilities towards Authorities
1. No Staff employed in a University shall absent himself from his/her duties without prior permission.
2. In case of sickness or absence on medical ground, a medical certificate to the satisfaction of the college authorities shall be produced within a week.
3. No Staff employed in a University shall engage directly or indirectly in any trade or business. No staff employed in the University shall send any application for employment under any other agency, except through the Authority under the University.
4. Any staff employed in a college when involved in criminal proceedings shall inform the University.
5. No staff employed in a University shall engage himself/herself in any political activity.
6. He/ She shall not associate with any political party or any organization which takes part in politics or shall subscribe to, or assist in any other manner, any political movement.