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Duties & Responsibilities of Teaching Faculties

Duties & Responsibilities
1. Report to HOD
2. Plan, schedule, and organize, coordinate and monitor Lectures and Practicals for the students assigned to you.
3. Complete the syllabi in the subjects assigned to you.
4. Prepare Lecture Plan/ Lecture Materials/ Course Material
5. Conduct at least three internal Tests during each semester in the subjects assigned to you
6. Encourage students to participate in co-curricular and extracurricular activities.
7. Plan, deliver and evaluate theoretical / practical instructions.
8. Guide the students in the performance of practical tasks and skill exercises and evaluate their performance, A dvise and assist the students in their project works.
9. Participate in professional development activities
10. Involve in at least one task for Institutional Development during a semester
11. Any other responsibilities that may be assigned by the HOD.
12. To produce 95% results in the subject taught.
13. To take all needful steps for Research and Development towards establishing a Centre of Excellence.
14. To take up Collaborative programmes with leading organizations by exchange of know -hows and in turn help placement.
15. To publish at least one paper in international conferences and journals of repute every year.
16. To organize an International Conference on any thrust area on relevant subjects.
17. To take all efforts in bringing the name and fame of the institution to the top level in the nation.
18. To apply and get Central Assistance to the tune of Rs.5 to 10 Lakhs once every

1. The Faculty Member should come to the college at least 5 minutes before the commencement of classes and should leave the college not earlier than 15 minutes after the end of the last hour.
2. All the Faculty Members are expected to follow the rules and regulations of the institution as prevalent from time to time.

The work plan of teachers shall ensure, in the most productive manner, the utilisation of stipulated 40 working hours per week, with regard to the roles, jobs and targets assigned to them by the Department/ Institution.
1. Faculty Members are expected to update their knowledge by attending seminars/workshops/conference, after obtaining necessary permission from the Principal/Management.
2. Faculty Members should attempt to publish text books, research papers in reputed International / Indian Journals / Scopus Indexed/ UGC Care Journals/ Conferences.
3. The Faculty Member must strive to prepare himself/ herself academically to meet all the challenges and requirements in the methodology of teaching so that the input may be useful for the student community at large. Every Faculty Member is expected to extend his/her beneficial influence in building up the personality of students and he/she should associate himself/herself actively with such extra-curricular activities which he / she is interested in or assigned to him/her from time to time.
4. Groupism of any kind should be absolutely avoided. Faculty Members found indulging in such activities will be subject to discipline proceedings.