Main Content

Vision , Mission , Goals & Objectives


  • To bring a definite orientation in the thinking practices and approach of individuals concerning gender involving change in perception, Recognition, Accommodation and Action. Instill educative, preventive and correctional approaches towards safety of women and gender sensitization in the system.


    Ensure measures of prevention of acts of gender discrimination and sexual harassment by working towards bringing about a perspectival shift that is able to set down norms of respect, nondiscrimination and the unacceptability of any abuse of power. Ensure measures of fair redressal of concerns and complaints thereby instilling a sense of security on campus

Goals & Objectives

The main objectives of this cell are as follows:

1. To provide a natural, confidential and supportive environment for members of the campus community who may have been sexually harassed.
2. To advice complaints of means of resolution as specified by the legislation.
3. To ensure fair and timely resolution of Sexual Harassment complaints.
4. To provide counseling and support services on campus.
5. To promote awareness about Sexual Harassment through educational initiatives that encourages and fosters a respectful and safe campus environment.