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Code of conduct by Student

• Students should familiarize themselves with the timings of Administration Office and other rules and regulations displayed on the Notice boards from time to time.
• Students are not allowed to make personal telephone calls from any of the office telephones.
• Taking personal photocopies from the Xerox machine at the Office is strictly prohibited.
• For routine matters like railway concession etc. the students should approach the Administrative Officer.
• For all official matters, the decision of the Director shall be final.
• Carrying refreshments / eatables including tea/ coffee to the classrooms, Library or computer laboratory /wet lab is strictly prohibited.
• Smoking and drinking alcohol within the campus premises is strictly prohibited.
• The students are prohibited from using any recreational electronic gadgets (like IPOD, FM radio, Walkman etc.) inside the school campus. In case a student is found breaching this regulation then the ID card will be seized. The ID card will be returned only on payment of a fine Rs. 200/- within 24hrs of confiscation with a penalty of Rs. 200/- added per day till collection of the ID card.
• Students should refrain from any type of indecent behavior either inside or outside campus. Any unwelcome behavior brought to the notice of the management will lead to strong disciplinary action.
• Students are not allowed to occupy or use the Dean’s room / Faculty room / Seminar room / Conference room or the Administrative Office, without the prior permission from the concerned authorities.
• Prior permission from the management must be taken for organizing any get together/ function/ party etc. and for use of School facilities.
• Students are required to display the identity card given by the School during their stay in the campus. The security persons or any other authorized person will have the full authority to check the identity card and personal belongings of students if the need arises.
• The loss of identity card will lead to a fine of Rs. 500/- for the first time and a fine of Rs. 1000/- from the next time onwards. (Copy of application letter requesting a new I-Card need to be shown for attending the lecture / practical’s).
• Students are expected to be in the classrooms at least 5 minutes before the start of a lecture session.
• No student can enter or leave the lecture session while the session is in progress, without the permission of the concerned faculty.
• Students must conduct themselves in an appropriate manner during a lecture session so as not to disturb the proceeding of an ongoing session.
• A student is expected to attend all lecture sessions. 75% per cent attendance is mandatory for appearing in the semester end examination. There will be no relaxation of this rule and the decision of the University will be final.
• In case of any grievance, the students are encouraged to place all such grievances through class- representative at the staff student liaison meeting.
• Students will have to compulsorily wear formals’ during Workshops / Seminars / Conference / Guest Lectures.

• A student is not allowed to work in the computer laboratory when he/she has a lecture session. In case of any breach of this rule, disciplinary action will be taken.
• The computing facility is expected to be used only for academic purpose. Visiting internet sites that are banned and not for academic purposes or using the e-mail facilities for personal purposes is strictly prohibited. Similarly chatting of any type or playing computer games is strictly prohibited. Strict disciplinary action will be initiated against any student found to be indulging in such activities.

•The above rules are made to ensure smooth functioning of the School and its progress. The rules may be modified any time depending on the situation and new developments.
• The rules are applicable to all programs of the School. Further, in case of a dispute/ conflict of opinion etc., with respect to the interpretation of any of the rules under these guidelines, the decision of the Director shall be final and binding on all.