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Benefits of Internship

The internship programme is collaboration among the intern/student, the department, and the organization. An efficient internship programme that is well-planned, implemented, and monitored can benefit all stakeholders.

1) Students can gain new learning experiences and explore future job options based on theirtalents and abilities.
2) Professionals/experts in specific fields/areas provide students with guidance andcomments.
3) Provides an opportunity to witness professionals carrying out their job duties.
4) Allows students to practice, evaluate, and develop the skills, techniques, and principlesshe has studied as part of her degree programme.
5) Allows students to put her ingenuity and problem-solving talents to use.
6) Allows the learner to learn how to work within time constraints, fulfill professionalresponsibilities, and develop coping skills.
7) Provides insight into new areas of R&D and can help drive the intern to pursue researchor higher education.
8) Improves the student's professional development and helps her gain self-confidence andself-esteem.