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For M.Sc. Biotechnology / M.Sc. Genetic Engineering / M.Sc. Industrial Microbiology / M.Sc. Bioinformatics / M. Sc. Food Science and Technology

1 Each theory paper will be assessed for 100 marks in the following way:
a) Internal Assessment (40 marks)
b) End Semester Examination (60 marks)
2 Each practical will be assessed for 100 marks (except the Practical III of Sem 3 which will be for 50 marks).
3 The Project work will be assessed for 500 marks.
4 In case of M.Sc.FST programme project work will be assessed for 300 marks and the training component will be for 200 marks.

For B. Tech Biotechnology / B. Tech Bioinformatics and Data Science / B. Tech Food Science and Technology

1 Each theory paper will be assessed for 100 marks in the following way:
a) Internal Assessment (40 marks)
b) End Semester Examination (60 marks)
2 Each practical will be assessed for 150 marks (except the Practical III of Sem 7 which will be for 50 marks).
3 The Project work will be assessed for 500 marks.
4 In case of B. Tech FST programme project work will be assessed for 300 marks and the training component will be for 200 marks.