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Vision,Mission,Goals & Objective

To improve the overall development of students, teachers, and staff by creating an effective and ethical behavioral teaching-learning atmosphere. To promote professional behavior and integrity.

Teaching is a noble profession and teacher plays a very crucial role in shaping a student’s career. The faculty, and non-teaching staff are expected to exhibit good conduct so that the students consider them as role models. The mission of the code of conduct committee of the school is to monitor the implementation of the code of conduct and ethics formulated and approved by the board of management.

● Educate students about their rights and responsibilities related to the Student Code of Conduct and the honor System and standard of academic conduct.
● To form a code to formalize the acceptable norms of behavior in an organisation.
● The teaching and non-teaching staff of the institution to follow the code of conduct for a smooth and effective teaching-learning and evaluation procedure

● To make students aware of the code of conduct set by the University.
● To provide awareness to the faculty, and non-teaching staff so as to be able to spread the concept of good and acceptable conduct
● To conduct a professional ethics program for students, teachers, and administrative staff