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M. Sc. Industrial Microbiology

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Industrial microbiology is a branch of biotechnology that applies microbial sciences to create high value industrial products in mass quantities. For eg vaccines, drugs, fuel etc.

Objectives :

1. To provide students with theoretical and practical knowledge of the tools in microbiology required to meet the increasing challenges / demands of the food, pharma and healthcare industries
2. To train students for critical analysis and problem solving of societal issues with the help of microbiology.
3. To enable students to make oral presentations and publish research papers.
4. To facilitate survey of published literature, define an original problem for inquiry, design and execute experiments to test this problem, analyze the data, and present the research in writing or orally
5. To help students attain technical proficiency and communication skills for graduate/professional advanced education.

Eligibility Criteria

A graduate student having completed three years Science degree programme in Biotechnology /Bioinformatics/ Life sciences / Zoology / Botany / Chemistry / Microbiology / Applied Biology / Biochemistry / Genetics / M.B.B.S. / B.D.S. / M. V. Sc. with minimum 50% marks.



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