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M. Sc. Genetic Engineering

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Biotech education is key to sustainable development and conservation of planet Earth. Be it creation of artificial life, stem cell research or gene mapping, biotechnology and bioinformatics have revolutionized our lives. Spectacular discoveries and advancements in biotechnology have led to the development of many array of products in the area of healthcare, agriculture and environment.
1. Familiarize with the molecular and genetic tools used to analyze genomes, modify genetic material and techniques for modifying organisms to produce desired products.
2. Plan for and manage formulation and execution of protocols and innovative technologies and/or products.
3. Enlighten issues of forensic and genetic identity with case studies.
4. Educate basic philosophical and ethical considerations regarding genetic data, genetic manipulation and biosafety issues.
5. Explore emerging technologies, innovations, and new products in the field of genomics and proteomics.

Students achieve the ability to work effectively in a team or independently in the laboratory and in other Biotechnology firms. They have become capable in in-depth exploration of emerging technologies, innovations, and new products that are noteworthy to the biotechnology industry. Students with M.Sc-GE degree from the school obtain PhD position in top ranking Universities of the world and a significant number of students hold commendable positions in the Biotech Industry.

Some exiting students have also become leaders of the society in the form of successful entrepreneurs with their problem solving ability, scientific reasoning and critical thinking.

Eligibility Criteria

A graduate student having completed three years Science degree programme in Biotechnology /Bioinformatics/ Life sciences / Zoology / Botany / Chemistry / Microbiology / Applied Biology / Biochemistry / Genetics / M.B.B.S. / B.D.S. / M. V. Sc. with minimum 50% marks.



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