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M.Sc. Food Science and Technology

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Food is one of the basic necessities for survival. Providing food security to the teeming millions is a day–to–day challenge that developing countries are facing today. The study and application of food science and technology principles would enable us to combat such difficult situations. In an era of increasing population, decreasing energy sources and increasing poverty, it is but imperative that appropriate technology, with an aim towards providing food security be developed. Applications in the realm of food production, processing and preservation could help transform the economic and cultural structure of developing nations across the globe.


1. Acquaint the student with the basic scientific understanding of foods and food processing as determined through biochemistry, chemistry, microbiology, physics, and other sciences.
2. Provide an insight into the process of translating scientific discovery into innovative food processing technologies.
3. Food Science and Technology is the key to the conversion of raw agricultural materials into a wide variety of properly processed and preserved foods, thus contributing to the well-being, economy, standard of living, and progress of humanity.
4. Demonstrate process, equipment and packages for food industry.
5. Train manpower in Food Science, Food technology, Nutrition, Engineering, Marketing, Business Management and Product Development to meet demand of rapidly increasing food based industries.

Exiting students of MSc-FST have acquired scientific understanding of food processing useful to the industry. Students contribute to the well-being of the society by making significant contribution to the agriculture society and food processing industry, thereby improving the economy, standard of living, and progress of humanity. Students get involved to train manpower in Food Science, Food technology; Nutrition, Engineering, Marketing, Business Management and Product Development to meet demand of rapidly increasing food based industries and thus promote sustainable development

Eligibility Criteria

A graduate student having completed three years Science degree programme in Biotechnology /Bioinformatics/ Life sciences / Zoology / Botany / Chemistry / Microbiology / Applied Biology / Biochemistry / Genetics / M.B.B.S. / B.D.S. / M. V. Sc. with minimum 50% marks.



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