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Duties and Responsibilities

The RCC meets at least twice in an academic calendar (first half of May and December) and the Chairperson / Convenor is responsible for conducting and maintaining the proceedings of the meeting.
1. It encourages and motivates faculty for submitting proposals to externally funded research and collaborative projects.
2. It supports interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research projects, product design and product development in collaboration or as a consultant.
3. It facilitates good research environment to produce data of quality to be published in national and international journals of high impact factor.
4. To assist its members in collaborations with researchers from premier Institutions and to encourage joint research in various thrust areas of national and international importance.
5. It channelizes and coordinates the conduct seminars, workshops, conference, Faculty development Programs and training programmes for inculcating research culture among faculty and students.
6. It encourages faculty to deliver talks and be on-board in editorial committee, Doctoral Committee, Review panel, Resource person for various events like seminars, workshops, conferences and training programmes.
7. It also strengthens industry – institute interaction by promoting consultancy, research & innovation activities at the School.
8. It promotes undergraduate and postgraduate student to coordinate with research scientist/ industry for the final semester research projects.
9. It coordinates with the Research Advisory Committee for the developments and suggests necessary changes.
10. It showcases the achievements of the Faculty and students in different heads as a E – newsletter