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Duties & Responsibility of Committee Members

● To conduct internal assessment and end semester examination of all programs offered by the School, as per University notifications and ordinance
● To finalize the schedule of the Internal Assessment as per the academic calendar of the University.
● To collate marks of Internal Assessment of all subjects.
● To verify eligibility of students to appear for the end semester examination.
● To do inventory control of the various items required (like main answer sheet and supplements) for the conduct of examination of each academic session.
● To display exam notices.
● To distribute exam forms of the University to regular students and to collect duly filled forms.
● To prepare and display the exam time table as per the University guidelines.
● To make blocks and seating arrangements and display it on the notice board.
● To display notice for concerned faculty members for submission of question bank in the prescribed format.
● To provide guidelines for the students and examiners.
● To prepare the panels of paper setters, examiners and moderators for the University examinations and evaluation, based on the criteria laid down by the Academic Council and recommend them to the Board of Examination and Evaluation.