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At the end of the training in the Bachelors’ Course, the student should be able to
1. Diagnose disability and manage common impairment problems of the individual and the community & make timely decisions for a referral to specialized clinics.
2. Appreciate the rationale of different therapeutic modalities & use them appropriately.
3. Assist in the management of emergencies in medical, surgical, neonatal, and pediatric conditions by rendering appropriate procedures.
4. Demonstrate skills in monitoring the National Health Programme & orient to provide preventive, curative & rehabilitative services for community-based rehabilitation (C.B.R.)
5. Develop consultative role for the health & family welfare services in existing socio-economic, political & cultural environment as a part of C.B.R.
6. Render therapy to chronically sick & disabled both physically as well as mentally challenged & achieve maximum physical, mental & functional & vocational independence for them.
7. Use effective ‘job modification’ techniques in the workplace based on ergonomic principles to achieve a good quality of life in the community.
8. Use an early intervention program for neonates & school children to prevent secondary changes & learning disabilities.
9. Use biomechanical & path physiological principles to design alterations in common orthotic devices & to fabricate hand orthosis & self-help adaptations.
10. Develop assessment skills using common standardized instruments to achieve psychosocial rehabilitation.
11. Use functional analysis index & correlate it with disability evaluation to aid in workman’s compensation & other legal procedures as per the social legislature.
As DY Patil University’s School of Occupational Therapy is recognized by the All India Occupational Therapist Association and the WFOT and Maharashtra council of OT and PT, students graduating out have immense scope both in the private and public sector. Students have the opportunity to pursue research projects and there are wide job opportunities both in India and Overseas.
All faculty are well qualified with immense clinical & academic experience Regular ongoing research activities and paper presentations are carried out by teachers.