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Name of Faculty: - Dr. Sunil Mokashi
Qualification: - PG Diploma in Professional Development from University of Ulster, Jordanstown, Belfast, U.K MOT (Rehabilitation)
Current Designation: - Dean
Teaching Experience: - 25 years
Email ID: -

Name of Faculty: - Dr. Renuka Desai
Qualification: - MSC OT C/SI
Current Designation: -Professor
Teaching Experience: - • 11 years 8 months of teaching experience tilldate
Email ID: -

Name of Faculty: - Dr.Aishwarya Swaminathan
Qualification: - PhD Scholar (MUHS) Fellowship in Advanced Occupational Therapy: Neurodevelopmental Disorders (FAOT:NDD) Masters in Occupational Therapy :Developmental Disabilities (MOTh:DD) Certified Paediatric Neurodevelopmental Therapist (C/NDT)
Current Designation: -Associate Professor
Teaching Experience: - • Recognised UG teacher with 6 years of teaching experience at School of Occupational Therapy • Served as University level UG Examiner.
Email ID: -

Name of Faculty: - Dr. Aparna Rao
Qualification: -Masters in Occupational therapy (Neurosciences)
Current Designation: - Associate Professor
Teaching Experience: - • Recognised UG teacher with over 6 years of teaching experience
Email ID: -

Name of Faculty: - Dr. Aditi Kulkarni
Qualification: - Masters in Occupational therapy {Hand Therapy}
Current Designation: -Associate Professor
Teaching Experience: - • Recognised UG teacher with over 6 years of teaching experience
Email ID: -

Name of Faculty: - Dr. Vanashree Nalawade
Qualification: - Masters in Occupational therapy (Musculoskeletal Sciences)
Current Designation: - Assistant Professor
Teaching Experience: - • Recognised UG teacher with 5 years of teaching experience
Email ID: -

Name of Faculty: - Dr. Aditya Waje
Qualification: - Masters in Occupational therapy (Neurosciences)
Current Designation: - Assistant Professor
Teaching Experience: - • Over 2 years of teaching and clinical experience • Trained in documentation in OT practice, research methodology.
Email ID: -

Name of Faculty: - Dr. Neha Kelaskar
Qualification: -Masters in Occupational therapy (Developmental Disabilities)
Current Designation: -Assistant Professor
Teaching Experience: - • Over 2 years of teaching and clinical experience • Published 2 research.
Email ID: -

Name of Faculty: - Dr. Nishigandha Doke
Qualification: - Masters in Occupational Therapy (Musculoskeletal Sciences)
Current Designation: - Assistant Professor
Teaching Experience: - • Trained in documentation in OT practice, research methodology.
Email ID: -

Name of Faculty: -Dr. Monisa Sheikh
Qualification: - Masters in Occupational therapy (Neurosciences)
Current Designation: -Assistant Professor
Teaching Experience: - • Worked as clinical Occupational therapist in Neurogen • Trained in documentation in OT practice, research methodology.
Email ID: -

Name of Faculty: - Dr. Rexlin Vaz
Qualification: - Masters in Occupational therapy (musculoskeletal conditions)
Current Designation: - Assistant Professor
Teaching Experience: - • Trained in documentation in OT practice, research methodology. • Attended numerous workshops and CMEs for professional extension.
Email ID: -

Name of Faculty: - Dr. Arthi Karnam
Qualification: - Masters in Occupational therapy (Mental Health)
Current Designation: - Assistant Professor
Teaching Experience: - • Published many research articles in national and UGC-Care journals
Email ID: -
