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Alumni Speaks

Dr. Richa Deshmukh

Batch of 2013-2018
I joined the course of Occupational Therapy in October 2013 with absolutely no clue what the course was all about. Having heard about it as a medical profession, but not having a clarity of what it actually is, I believe helped me understand it better. Since the first year began with being clueless, some extra efforts needed to be put in to understand the content of the course and how to go about with it. I have to give due credit to the teachers in the college who made learning so much fun, clarifying our concepts whenever we needed help and explaining the topics even two or three times if needed. Here at D Y Patil School of Occupational Therapy, each subject that I learnt practically and theoretically, I would say was taught in a manner that clarified our concepts well. My experience in D Y Patil School of OT has been an amazing one! Right from learning the basics of anatomy, to face patients and treat them, during the internship, the journey has been wonderful. The fact that the 4.5 years were not just about studying a curriculum, but also engaging yourself in college events, getting a thrill of winning in the events, being a part of organizing an event, and experiencing the joy of it being a grand success, I think, was a part of my personal development. Of course, I cannot miss mentioning about how approachable the staff was and how we never felt the hesitation to ask questions to them, and they patiently listening to, and answering our queries. Also, to mention the few guest lectures we had, which helped us gather more information about the field, about the practice outside and the advancements in the field of OT, and not to forget the benefit of the virtual classroom which helped us connect to the therapists around the world and attend the web conferences too. A special mention of the various events that happened in the campus and the stadium which gave us a chance of volunteering in the medical team, that helped us experience what working in a team at a big event meant.

As I began my journey as a post graduate student, pursuing Master’s in Occupational Therapy in Developmental disabilities at Seth GSMC and KEMH, each day, I am thankful for every opportunity I had and the chances I got to sharpen my skills and mould myself in my UG days. With each passing day, I believe I get to practice and apply whatever I have learnt during my UG course and I am grateful to everyone at D Y Patil School of Occupational Therapy for being a part of my development as an Occupational Therapist.