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All the class rooms are fully air-conditioned and equipped with LCD, OHP and Computers. The institute is a Wi-Fi enabled campus.


All the activitiesrelated to placements, interviews,annual college alumni meet aregenerally organized in this room.


The Institute also provides separate common rooms for faculty to prepare their pedagogy research. This is to facilitate student access to the teachers. The Faculty room is for mutual benefits. Each faculty room is also provided with a computer and adequate storage facility.


The fully air-conditioned library has a rich collection of over 10,068 volume of books, 70 journals & 24periodicals- national as well as international, 16 newspapers spanning all aspects of management, CDs, VCDs, project reports & thesis. On line databases as Proquest-ABI/INFORM Complete& IBID is also available in the Library.


DYPUSM has been consciously and consistently building its I.T. infrastructure since its inception. DYPUSM has embraced technology to a very great extent.

• The infrastructure available for the Occupational Therapy College at D Y Patil University includes smart classrooms equipped with whiteboards, projectors etc. We also have virtual classrooms equipped fully with the audio-visual technology, where we schedule international workshops and conferences. The simulation laboratory helps the occupational therapy students understand the nuances of medical practise on mannequins to acquire an acceptable degree of proficiency in evaluation and treatment before embarking the same on human patients.

• The Occupational Therapy outpatient departments, OPD 24 and 25 located in the hospital see a number of patients of varying diagnoses every day. The indoor wards in the hospital also provide opportunities for the students to see different patients and treatments given to them, which helps to increase their practical knowledge.